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Курсовой проект - Компьютеры, программирование
Другие курсовые по предмету Компьютеры, программирование
">A variant of a linked list in which each item has a link to the previous item as well as the next. This allows easily accessing list items backward as well as forward and deleting any item in constant time.
An array whose size may change over time. Items are not only added or removed, but memory used changes, too.
The maximum distance of any leaf from the root of a tree. If a tree has only one node (the root), the height is zero.
A collection of information which must be kept at a single memory location.
A tree where the children of every node are ordered, that is, there is a first child, second child, third child, etc.
The distinguished initial or fundamental item of a tree. The only item which has no parent. See the figure at tree.
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<!ATTLIST glossary
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