Применение автоматизированного адаптивного интерферометра для исследования наносмещений микрообъектов
Дипломная работа - Физика
Другие дипломы по предмету Физика
quot; menu item to system menu.
// IDM_ABOUTBOX must be in the system command range.((IDM_ABOUTBOX & 0xFFF0) == IDM_ABOUTBOX);(IDM_ABOUTBOX < 0xF000);
* pSysMenu = GetSystemMenu(FALSE);(pSysMenu != NULL)
{>AppendMenu(MF_SEPARATOR);>AppendMenu(MF_STRING, IDM_ABOUTBOX, strAboutMenu);
// Set the icon for this dialog. The framework does this automatically
// when the application's main window is not a dialog(m_hIcon, TRUE);// Set big icon(m_hIcon, FALSE);// Set small icon
// TODO: Add extra initialization here
TRUE; // return TRUE unless you set the focus to a control
CSerialGateTestDlg::OnSysCommand(UINT nID, LPARAM lParam)
{((nID & 0xFFF0) == IDM_ABOUTBOX)
{::OnSysCommand(nID, lParam);
// If you add a minimize button to your dialog, you will need the code below
// to draw the icon. For MFC applications using the document/view model,
// this is automatically done for you by the framework.
{dc(this); // device context for painting
// Center icon in client rectanglecxIcon = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXICON);cyIcon = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYICON);rect;(&rect);x = (rect.Width() - cxIcon + 1) / 2;y = (rect.Height() - cyIcon + 1) / 2;
// Draw the icon.DrawIcon(x, y, m_hIcon);
// The system calls this to obtain the cursor to display while the user drags
// the minimized window.CSerialGateTestDlg::OnQueryDragIcon()
{(HCURSOR) m_hIcon;
// TODO: Add your control notification handler code here
(m_port == 0 || m_rate == 0)
{("Not correct data","Error", MB_ICONERROR);;;
b = sg.Open(m_port, m_rate);(b == false)
{("Can`t open Port","Error", MB_ICONERROR);;;
{("Port open OK","Info", MB_ICONINFORMATION);
(1, 1000, NULL);
CSerialGateTestDlg::OnTimer(UINT nIDEvent)
{// TODO: Add your message handler code here and/or call defaultbuff[128];
rcv = sg.Recv(buff, sizeof(buff));>m_recievecontr.SetWindowText("");(rcv > 0)
{(int i = 0; im_recieve += buff[i];
// TODO: Add your control notification handler code here
len = this->m_send.GetLength();(len > 0)
{* LocBuf = m_send.GetBuffer(128);.Send(LocBuf, len);_send.ReleaseBuffer();ent=0x0D;* ent2 = &ent;.Send(ent2, 1);
len = this->m_send.GetLength();(len > 0)
{ent=0x01;* ent2 = &ent;.Send(ent2, 1);* LocBuf = m_send.GetBuffer(128);.Send(LocBuf, len);_send.ReleaseBuffer();
CSerialGateTestDlg::OnOnSetaxsis() //выбор оси
int popytka=0;
//изменение активного мотора
char ctrlkey=0x01;* ctrlkey2 = &ctrlkey;.Send(ctrlkey2, 1);len=1;* LocBuf = m_axsis.GetBuffer(128);.Send(LocBuf, len);_send.ReleaseBuffer();
tp="tp";* LocBuf2 = tp.GetBuffer(128);.Send(LocBuf2, 2);.ReleaseBuffer();
//enterent=0x0D;* ent2 = &ent;.Send(ent2, 1);
CSerialGateTestDlg::OnOnSetacsel() //установить ускорение
sa="sa";* LocBuf2 = sa.GetBuffer(128);.Send(LocBuf2, 2);.ReleaseBuffer();
len = this->m_asel.GetLength();(len > 0)
{* LocBuf = m_asel.GetBuffer(128);.Send(LocBuf, len);_asel.ReleaseBuffer();
//enterent=0x0D;* ent2 = &ent;.Send(ent2, 1);
//проверкаtltl="tl";* LocBuf3 = tl.GetBuffer(128);.Send(LocBuf3, 2);.ReleaseBuffer();
//enter.Send(ent2, 1);
sv="sv";* LocBuf2 = sv.GetBuffer(128);.Send(LocBuf2, 2);.ReleaseBuffer();
len = this->m_vel.GetLength();(len > 0)
{* LocBuf = m_vel.GetBuffer(128);.Send(LocBuf, len);_vel.ReleaseBuffer();
//enterent=0x0D;* ent2 = &ent;.Send(ent2, 1);
//проверкаtyty="ty";* LocBuf3 = ty.GetBuffer(128);.Send(LocBuf3, 2);.ReleaseBuffer();
//enter.Send(ent2, 1);
{(true); //включить мотор
mn="mn";* LocBuf2 = mn.GetBuffer(128);.Send(LocBuf2, 2);.ReleaseBuffer();// TODO: Add your control notification handler code here
//enterent=0x0D;* ent2 = &ent;.Send(ent2, 1);
CSerialGateTestDlg::OnOnMotoroff() //выключить мотор
{mf="mf";* LocBuf2 = mf.GetBuffer(128);.Send(LocBuf2, 2);.ReleaseBuffer();// TODO: Add your control notification handler code here
//enterent=0x0D;* ent2 = &ent;.Send(ent2, 1);
CSerialGateTestDlg::OnOnMr() //перемещение
mr="mr";* LocBuf2 = mr.GetBuffer(128);.Send(LocBuf2, 2);.ReleaseBuffer();
len = this->m_gomr.GetLength();(len > 0)
{* LocBuf = m_gomr.GetBuffer(128);.Send(LocBuf, len);_gomr.ReleaseBuffer();
//enterent=0x0D;* ent2 = &ent;.Send(ent2, 1);
//проверкаtytp="tp";* LocBuf3 = tp.GetBuffer(128);.Send(LocBuf3, 2);.ReleaseBuffer();
//enter.Send(ent2, 1);
CSerialGateTestDlg::OnOnGo() //////////////////кнопка GO//////////////////////
{(true);=1;axis=0; res;
//изменение активного мотора
char ctrlkey=0x01;* ctrlkey2 = &ctrlkey;.Send(ctrlkey2, 1);len=1;axsis0='0';* axsis0_2 = &axsis0;.Send(axsis0_2, 1);
tp="tp";* LocBuf2 = tp.GetBuffer(128);.Send(LocBuf2, 2);.ReleaseBuffer();
//enterent=0x0D;* ent2 = &ent;.Send(ent2, 1);
(700); //организуем паузу чтобы контроллер успел ответить
//считаем текущую позицию//
char buff[128];
int rcv = sg.Recv(buff, sizeof(buff));elmbuff=rcv-1;[rcv]=0;str;(int i = 0; i< rcv; i++)+= buff[i];* j = strchr(buff, '+');= atoi(j);(j==0)
{= strchr(buff, '-'); = atoi(j); //в res здесь храниться текущие положение
CString mraxsis0_2; //сюда записывается занчение е окошка edit axsis0
GetDlgItemText(IDC_MRAXSIS0,mraxsis0_2);posnum0=atoi(mraxsis0_2);posnum0_mr=res-posnum0/2;mraxsis0_mr;_mr =itoa(posnum0_mr,mraxsis0_mr.GetBuffer(10),10);
//выполним перемещение на нулевую позицию//
CString mr="MA";* LocBuf8 = mr.GetBuffer(128);.Send(LocBuf8, 2);.ReleaseBuffer();
len=mraxsis0_mr.GetLength();* LocBuf9 = mraxsis0_mr.GetBuffer(128);.Send(LocBuf9, len);_mr.ReleaseBuffer();
//enter.Send(ent2, 1);gto0=posnum0_mr;posicino00=res;(400);:
//изменение активного мотора
sg.Send(ctrlkey2, 1);
len=1;axsis1='1';* axsis1_2 = &axsis1;.Send(axsis1_2, 1);
LocBuf2 = tp.GetBuffer(128);.Send(LocBuf2, 2);.ReleaseBuffer();
//enter.Send(ent2, 1);(700);
//организуем паузу чтобы контроллер успел ответить
//считаем текущую позицию//
char buff2[128];
rcv = sg.Recv(buff2, sizeof(buff2));
elmbuff=rcv-1;[rcv]=0;str2;(i = 0; i< rcv; i++)+= buff2[i];
j = strchr(buff2, '+');= atoi(j);(j==0)
{= strchr(buff2, '-'); = atoi(j); //в res здесь храниться текущие положение
CString mraxsis1_2; //сюда записывается занчение е окошка edit axsis0
GetDlgItemText(IDC_MRAXSIS1,mraxsis1_2);posnum1=atoi(mraxsis1_2);posnum1_mr=res-posnum1/2;mraxsis1_mr;_mr =itoa(posnum1_mr,mraxsis1_mr.GetBuffer(10),10);
//выполним перемещение на нулевую позицию//
mr="MA";= mr.GetBuffer(128);.Send(LocBuf8, 2);.ReleaseBuffer();
len=mraxsis1_mr.GetLength();= mraxsis1_mr.GetBuffer(128);.Send(LocBuf9, len);_mr.ReleaseBuffer();
//enter.Send(ent2, 1);gto1=posnum1_mr;posicino01=res;(130);pos01=gto1;pos00=gto0;modul;
//изменение активного мотора
sg.Send(ctrlkey2, 1);