Положение Турции в международной торговле в XV-18 вв.

Дипломная работа - История

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38; [] : . - .: , 1984. - 94 .

39 , .. - 40- . XVII [] / . . .: , 1979. 86 .

40 , .. [] / .. . - 2- . .: , 1989. 303 .

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42 , .. . XIII XVI . [] / . . // . 2001. - 1. - . 60-67.

43 . [] : XVIII . - .3. .: , 1983 - 48 .

44 Braudel, F. La Mediterranee et le monde mediterraneen a l poque de Philippe II [Text] / F. Braudel. - Paris, 1966. 87 p.

45 Hamilton, E. J. American Treasure and the Price Revolution in Spain, 1501 1550 [Text] / E. J. Hamilton. - New York, 1934. 45 p.

45 Inalcik, H. The Ottoman Empire. The Classical Age 1300 1600 [Text] / H. Inalcik. - Istanbul, 1973. - 57 p.

46 Veinstein, G. From the Italians to the Ottomans: the Case of the nor Then Black Sea Coast in the Sixteenth Century. Mediterranean Historical Review [Text] / G. Veinstein. - L., 1981. - 1-2. - 237 p.