Основные тенденции развития энергокомплекса США на современном этапе
Дипломная работа - Физика
Другие дипломы по предмету Физика
?гетическая политика США сквозь призму оценок МЭА // США - Канада. Экономика, политика, культура. 2008. №7. С. 111.
22.2009 Renewable energy data book. U.S. Department of Energy, Energy efficiency & renewable energy. National renewable energy laboratory, August 2010
23.2010 Renewable Energy Data Book. U.S. Department of Energy. Energy efficiency of renewable energy. National renewable energy laboratory. August 2011
24.A Brighter Tomorrow: fulfilling the promise of nuclear energy - by Pete V. Domentu - 2008 - 271 pages
25.A Policy of Discontent: The Making of a National Energy Strategy - by Vito Stagliano - 2001 - 431 pages
26.Advanced Energy Initiative by the President, Washington: The White House, February 2006.
27.Advanced Energy Initiative by the President, Washington: The White House, February 2006.
28.Annual energy review 2010. U.S. Energy information administration, August 2011
29.Chinas Quest for Energy Security - by Erica Strocker Downs - 2000
30.Economic Report of the President. Washington: The White House, February 2010.
31.Economic Report of the President. Washington: The White House, February 2009.
.Economic Report of the President. Washington: The White House, February 2008.
.Economic Report of the President. Washington: The White House, February2007.
.Energy Policy Act 2005, Washington, 2005
35.Energy Resources* Occurrence. Production. Conversion. by Wendell II. Wiser - 2000 - 377 pages
36.Energy Technology Perspectives 2008, International Energy Agency, Paris, 2008
37.Jane E. LeggeL Climate change: current issues and policy tools. Congressional research service. March 6,2009
38.National Energy Policy: Reliable, Affordable, and Environmentally Sound Energy for Americas Future. Washington, May 2001
39.National Security in Saudi Arabia: Threats. Responses. And Challenges - by Anthony II Cordesman. Nawafi Obaid, 2005 - 426 pages.
40.National Security Strategy of the United States of America. Washington: The White House, 2006.
41.Renewable energy consumption and electricity preliminary statistics 2010 U.S. Energy information administration. August 2011
42.Renewable energy consumption and electricity preliminary statistics 2009. U.S. Energy information administration. August 2010
43.Renewable Energy: Market and Policy Trends in IEA Countries, International Energy Agency, Paris, 2008
44.Securing Oil and Natural Gas Infrastructures in the New Economy: A Report by the National Petroleum Council. Washington: National Petroleum Council, Committee on Critical Infrastructure Protection, 2001.
.State of the Union Address 2006, Washington: The White House, January 31,2006.
.State of the Union Address 2007, Washington: The White House, January 23, 2007.
47.Strategic Energy Policy Challenges for the 21st Century - by EduaniI- Morse. Council 2009 - 131 pages
48.The End of Oil The Decline of the Petroleum Economy and the Rise of a New energy Order -by Paul Roberts - Nature - 2004 - 368 pages
.The End of Oil. On the Edge of a Perilous New World - by Paul Roberts 2004
.The New Yorker. As the world burns. By Ryan Lizza. October 11.2010
51.The Only Way Is Down //The Economist, Jul 10th, 2008
52.U.S. fifth climate action report 2010. U.S. Department of State. Washington. Global publishing services. June 2010
53.US Refining Embraces Tar Sands: Greens // Inside Energy/Extra, June 4, 2008
54.USA Economy: Quick View Trade gap widens on oil imports // Economist Intelligence Unit, The Economist, 10 June 2008
55.Vital Signs: 2000. The environmental trends that are shaping our future - New York, London: W.W. Norton&Comp., 2000 - 192 p.
56.Winning the Oil Endgame: Innovation for Profit. Jobs and Security - by Araory B. Lovins - 2004 - 306 pages
57.Корнеев. А. В. Энергетическая мечта Барака Обамы // Мировая Энергетика. 2010
.США вкладывают средства в чистые технологии
59.Финансовый кризис: во что он обойдется безопасности?
60.Energy Expenditures and Average Fuel Prices by Source and Sector // Statistical abstract of the US. 2008.
61.Energy & Utilities: Production, Consumption, Trade // Statistical abstract of the US. 2008.
.Annual Energy Outlook Retrospective Review: Evaluation of Projections in Past Editions (1982-2009)// EIA. 2009.
63.Стратегия устойчивого развития в США