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  • 1. "Education" (Образование в англоязычных странах)
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  • 2. A Traveler's Guide to Moscow
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    t may come as a surprise to many to learn that Moscow is one of the world's great cities. It certainly did to me. I think that, like many people, I envisioned a city that was a cross between Beirut and ... well, I don'tknow what. Having never previously visited a post-communist city, particularly one that had the reputation for rampant crime and shoddy Stalinist architecture enjoyed by Moscow.Night Life

  • 3. Comparison of the Renaissance and Enlightenment (Сравнение Ренессанса и Просвещения)
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    The Renaissance political thoughts contributed to the centralization of power of monarchial governments. Of course, the degree to which monarchs were successful in consolidation and extension of their political authority varied from country to country. While France, Spain and England emerged as centralized and more or less consolidated monarchies during the age of the Renaissance, the Holy Roman Empire and the Ottoman Empire saw a decline. Central and Eastern Europe also experienced a decentralization of political authority, rather than its centralization. During the Enlightenment the process o centralization and growth of states continued. Most European states enlarged their bureaucracies and consolidated their governments. However, as a result of all the geographic discoveries and following overseas trips and colonization, European economy started to shift from the Mediterranean to the Atlantic seaboard. By the eighteenth century, England and France appeared as great commercial empires. Also, Eastern and Central Europe emerged as major international players in the European political arena. Russia, Austria and Prussia three of five major European states were located in Eastern or Central Europe. These states became so powerful that they managed to completely destroy Poland by dividing its lands between themselves. Although the ideas of the Enlightenment did leave an impact on the eighteenth century rulers, few of them actually attempted to implement the enlightened reforms into practice. The majority of rulers still believed that for a state to run effectively and prosper, it needed a strong absolute ruler.

  • 4. Die Judenverfolgunfg im "Dritten Reich" (1941-1942)
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    “Bei meiner Ankunft zählte das Gebiet Slonim etwa 25000 Juden, davon allein in der Stadt Slonim etwa 16000, also über zwei Drittel der gesamten Stadtbevölkerung. Ein Ghetto einzurichten war unmöglich, da weder Stacheldraht noch Bewachungsmöglichkeiten vorhanden waren. Daher traf ich von vornherein Vorbereitungen für eine künftige grössere Aktion. Zunächts wurde die Enteignung durchgeführt und mit dem anfallenden Mobiliar und Gerät sämtliche deutsche Dienststellen, einschliesslich Wehrmachtquartiere, ausgestattet und so weit grosszügige Hilfeleistung bei anderen Gebieten gestellt, dass jetzt beim Anwachsen aller Dienststellen bei mir selbst Mangel herrscht. Für Deutsche unbrauchbares Zeug wurde der Stadt zum Verkauf an die Bevölkerung freigegeben und der Erlös der Amtskasse zugefürt. Dann folgte eine genaue Erfassung der Juden nach Zahl, Alter und Beruf, eine Herausziehung aller Handwerker und Facharbeiter, ihre Kenntlichmachung durch Ausweise und gesonderte Unterbringung. Die vom SD am 13.11. durchgefürte Aktion befreite mich von unnötigen Fressern; und die jetzt vorhandenen etwa 7000 Juden in der Stadt Slonim sind sämtlich in den Arbeitsprozess eingespannt, arbeiten willig aufgrund ständiger Todesangst und werden im Frühjahr genauestens für eine weitere Verminderung überprüft und aussortiert. Das flache Land wurde eine Zeitlang grosszügig von der Wehrmacht gesäubert; leider nur in Orten unter eintausend Einwohnern. In den Rayonstädten wird nach der Durchführung der hilfsarbeiten für die West-Ost-Bewegung das Judentum bis auf die notwendigsten Handwerker und Facharbeiter ausgemerzt werden. Da die Wehrmacht nicht mehr bereit ist, Aktionen auf dem flachen Lande durchzuführen, werde ich die gesamten Juden des Gebietes in zwei oder drei Rayonstädten zusammenfassen, nur in geschlossen Arbeitskolonnen einsetzen, um damit endgültig Schleichhandel und Partisanenunterstützung durch Juden auszurotten. Die besten Fachkräfte unter den Juden müssen unter Aufsicht in meinen Handwerkerschulen ihre Kunst intelligenten Lehrlingen weitergeben, um einmal den Juden auch im Handwerk entbehrlich zu machen und auszuschalten”.

  • 5. Economic and sociological analysis of suicide )
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    Costs and benefits of love may be another social factor of suicide. In Johann Goethes "The Sorrows of Young Werther" the main character decides to die because the woman that he loves does not love him back. For him the cost of realization that his expected benefits of being together with her is very high and in addition to that the cost of seeing her happy with someone else made the character to shoot himself, for him that was the only way to stop his sorrows and the benefit of dying was much higher for him at that point. Unfortunate love of Romeo and Juliet for example led to their suicide, or in “Ethan Frome” the main character decides to slide into a tree with his beloved woman when his wife refused to let him go. For these characters the cost of living apart from each other was so high that they decided to die to be together in another life. Finally many young people kill themselves every year because of their love to some celebrity. Many attempt suicide after their object of affection died or also committed suicide. They do so because of a high expected benefit of being with him/ her in the afterlife and high cost of living without that person in their lives. E.g. watching that person on TV and realizing that he/she is gone. In the past, a person had to kill himself/herself when his/her spouse died. Examples are: wife of a well-known in the Roman history Caesar Brut swallowed pieces of burning coal when she found out about death of her husband. In India the custom “sati” - self-burning of the widow together with a body of the husband down to XIX of century was not simply sample for imitation, but also obligatory ritual

  • 6. Education in Great Britain
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    Science has great influence on our life. It provides with base of modern technology, materials, sources of power and so on. Modern science and technology have changed our life in many different ways. During the present century our life changed greatly. Thanks to radio and television we can do a great number of jobs; it was radio and TV that made it possible to photograph the dark side of the moon and to talk with the first cosmonaut while he was orbiting the Earth. On of the wonders of our age is the “electronic brain”, or giant calculating machine, which can to some extent duplicate human senses. The desk computer is expected to function as your personal librarian, to carry out simple optimization computations, to control your budget or diet, play several hundred games, etc. further development of the computer is believed to lead to a situation in which most of the knowledge accepted by mankind will be stored in the computers and made accessible to anyone with the home computers. It is natural that the advent of minicomputers with extensive memories and possibilities will lead to a new higher level in information culture. Among other things, we shall be able to organize educational process in the countrys colleges and universities and also in the system of school education on a new basic. Knowledge is the most valuable wealth, and minicomputers will help us to make it accessible for everyone. Agricultural scientists develop better varieties of plants. The development of antibiotics and other drugs has helped to control many diseases. Studies in anatomy and physiology have let to amazing surgical operations and the inventions of lifesaving machines, that can do the work of such organs as heart, lungs and so on. Nuclear fission when a tremendous amount if energy is setting free is very important discovery.

  • 7. England under Henry VIII
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    • Hans Holbein (1497-1543)* - the German painter. Known as Hans Holbein Jr.
    • the Battle of Spurs** was held on the 16th of August, 1513 a.d. During it the French cavalry fled because of the advancing armies of Henry VIII and Maximilian I.
    • Thomas Wolsey (1473-1530)***, Chancellor of England since 1515 till 1529. Since 1514 - the Archbishop of York, since 1515 - the Cardinal. In 1529 he was arrested for treason.
    • Wittemberg**** - the Saxon city where in 1517 Luther read his 95 thesises against the Catholic Church.
    • the Reformation***** - the movement against the Ca-tholic Church in Western and Central Europe. It's crea-tor was Luther.
    • Martin Luther (1483-1546)****** - the leader of the Re-formation. He also translated the Bible into German.
    • John Wickliffe (1330-1384)******* - the English refor-mator. He said that the Pope was not necessary and wan-ted the Church to abandon its lands.
    • Thomas More (1487 - 1535)******** - the great lawer and political leader, was against the Reformation. Being a writer, he created "Utopia". Anne Boleyn, the second wife of the King, knowing that More had helped the King to dismiss Catherine of Aragon, caused Henry to execute this clever and honest Chancellor of England.
    • Act of Six Articles*********. Was written in 1539. It abolished the monasteries and showed that England was interested in religion and that damage inflicted to the Church was a crime. So, many Protestants were executed.
  • 8. Indirect speech acts in modern English discourse. - Косвенные речевые акты в современном английском ...
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  • 9. Leadership in Hospitality Industry
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    1. BURKE SARAH AND COLLINS M. KAREN (2001), Gender differences in leadership styles and management skills. Women in Management Rework. Vol.16, No 5, pp.244-256. Available from: http://www.emeraldinsight.com (03/04/2003)
    2. HORNER MELISSA (1997), Leadership theory: past, present and future. Team Performance Management. Vol.3, No 4, pp.270-287. http://www.emeraldinsight.com (03/04/2003)
    3. MANNING T. TRACEY (2002), Gender, managerial level, transformational leadership and work satisfaction. Women in Management Rework. Vol.17, No 5, pp.207-216. http://www.emeraldinsight.com (03/04/2003)
    4. McCRIMMON MITCH (1995), Bottom-up leadership. Executive Development. Vol.8. No 5, pp.6-12. http://www.emeraldinsight.com (03/04/2003)
    5. NICHOLLS JOHN (1994), The “Heart, Head and Hands” of Transforming Leadership. Leadership and Organization Development Journal. Vol.15, No 6, pp.8-15. http://www.emeraldinsight.com (03/04/2003)
    6. PAUL JIM, COSTLEY L. DAN, HOWELL P. JON AND DORFMAN W. PETER (2002), The mutability of charisma in leadership research. Management Decision. Vol. 40, No 1, pp.192-200. http://www.emeraldinsight.com (03/04/2003)
    7. SARROS C. JAMES AND SANTORE C. JOSEPH (2001), The transformational-transactional leadership model in practice. Leadership and Organization Development Journal. Vol.22, No 8, pp.383-393. http://www.emeraldinsight.com (03/04/2003)
    8. http://jan.ucc.nau.edu/~ha100c-c/class/management/leadership/lesson1-2-1.html
  • 10. Lexico-sementic chartersticcs of business letter correspondence
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    "The figures must be approved" are obscure ones leaving unsettled who it is that delivers, who decides, and who does the approving. Which side it is to be? Lawsuits are the plausible outcome of leaving it all unsettled. Passives used in contracts can destroy the whole negotiations. "You will deliver" is better for it identifies the one who will do delivering. Certainly, "must be approved by us" violates other canons. "We shall have the right but not the obligation to approve" is less unfortunate. There is no doubt that passives do not suit business letters, and if they go all the way through without adding something like "by you" or "by us" they are intolerable. Once in a long while one may find passives used purposely to leave something unresolved. In those circumstances they will be in class with "negotiate in good faith", which I've examined earlier.

  • 11. Scotland (Шотландия)
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    1. Who in Scotland consider themselves of purer Celtic blood?
    2. When was a new Scottish Parliament elected?
    3. What was the Beaker civilization famous for?
    4. Why was it so difficult to control the Highlands and islands?
    5. To whom does Scotland owe its clan system?
    6. Why did Edward I stole the Stone of Destiny?
    7. What do the words written on Edwards grave mean?
    8. Can you explain the name of Scotlands capital, Edinburgh?
    9. What giant thing can Edinburgh Castle boast?
    10. What did the Military Tattoo originally mean?
    11. Who brought St. Giles Cathedral into great prominence?
    12. What is the emblem of Scotland? Where can it be seen?
    13. Why are the Royal Museum and the Museum of Scotland worth visiting?
    14. Which museum in Scotland is the “noisiest” in the world? Why?
    15. Why do they call Edinburgh “the Athens of the North”?
    16. What is Edinburghs answer to Londons Oxford Street?
    17. Where did the national Scottish dress come from?
    18. Why was it so important to decorate wool differently?
    19. What is the real origin of the bagpipe?
    20. What does the motto of the Presbyterian Church mean?
  • 12. Semantic Changes
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    "Specialization" and "generalization" are thus identified on the evid-' ence of comparing logical notions expressed by the meaning of words. If, on the other hand, the linguist is guided by psychological considerations and has to go by the type of association at work in the transfer of the name of one object to another and different one, he will observe that the most frequent transfers are based on associations of similarity or of contiguity. As these types of transfer are well known in rhetoric as ; figures of speech called metaphor (Gr meta 'change' and phero 'bear') and metonymy (Gr metonymia from meta and onoma 'name') and the same terms are adopted here. A metaphor is a transfer of name based on the association of similarity and thus is actually a hidden comparison. It presents a method of description which likens one thing to another by referring to it as if it were some other one. A cunning person, for instance, is referred to as a fox. A woman may be called a peach, a lemon, a cat, a goose, etc. In a metonymy, this referring to one thing as if it were some other one is based on association of contiguity. Sean O'Casey in his one-act play "The Hall of Healing" metonymically names his personages according to the things they are wearing: Red Muffler, Grey Shawl, etc. Metaphor and metonymy differ from the two first types of semantic change, i.e. generalization and specialization, inasmuch .as they do not originate as a result of gradual almost imperceptible change in many contexts, but come of a purposeful momentary transfer of a name from one object to another belonging to a different sphere of reality.

  • 13. Substance abuse: Alcohol Consumption and alcohol dependence among the youth (Социологическое исследо...
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    When consumed, alcohol goes right to the stomach and passes through to the small intestine, where it is absorbed into the bloodstream. It takes about 30 seconds for the first amounts of alcohol to reach the brain after ingestion. Once there, alcohol acts primarily on nerve cells deep in the brain.
    One drink for the average person (a 12-ounce beer, five ounces of wine, or one and one-half ounces of 80-proof whiskey) will create a feeling of relaxation. Two and a half drinks in an hour can affect the drinker's judgement and lower inhibitions. Five drinks in two hours will raise the blood alcohol content (BAC) to. 1 0, the point of legal intoxication in most countries.
    After this amount of alcohol, the average drinker will experience blurred vision, slurred speech, poor muscle coordination, and a lack of rational judgement. Ten drinks will yield a BAC of 0.20. It will take 1 0 hours for the alcohol to be completely metabolised. After more than 12 drinks, the BAC will rise to 0.30 and the drinker will be in a stupor. A BAC of O.40 to 0.50 will induce coma. A drinker in this condition may be near death because he could vomit and choke while unconscious. Breathing is likely to stop with a BAC of 0.60. The BAC can be measured by using a breath, urine or blood test. This amount is measured as a percentage -- how many parts of Alcohol to how many parts of blood.
    Eliminating alcohol from the body is a long process. About 90 percent must be metabolised through the liver. The remaining 10 percent is eliminated through the lungs and urine. It takes about one hour to eliminate one-half ounce of alcohol.
    Heavy drinking in a short period of time will often cause a hangover the next day. A hangover is a sign of alcohol poisoning; it is the body's reaction to alcohol withdrawal. Symptoms of a hangover include nausea, disorientation, headache, irritability and tremors.

  • 14. Water World as Another Home for English Nation Reflected in the English Folklore
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    One cause of the “Titanic” disaster is said to have been an unlucky Egyptian mummy case. This is the lid of an inner coffin with the representation of the head and upper body of an unknown lady of about 1000 bc. Ill-fortune certainly seemed to travel with the lid first of all the man who bought it from the finder had an arm shattered by an accidental gun shot. He sold, but the purchaser was soon afterwards the recipient of the bad news, learning that he was bankrupt and that he had a fatal disease. The new owner, an English lady, placed the coffin lid in her drawing room: next morning she found everything there smashed. She moved it upstairs and the same thing happened, so she also sold it. When this purchaser had the lid photographed, a leering, diabolical face was seen in the print. And when it was eventually presented to the British Museum, members of staff began to contract mysterious ailments one even died. It was sold yet again to an American, who arranged to take it home with him on the “Titanic”. After the catastrophe he managed to bribe the sailors to allow him to take it into a lifeboat, and it did reach America. Later he sold it to a Canadian, who in 1941 decided to ship it back to England; the vessel taking it, “Empress of Ireland” , sank in the river St Lawrence. So runs the story, but in reality the coffin lid did not leave the British Museum after being presented in 1889.

  • 15. А. А. Алябьев
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  • 16. Бизнес (Talking Business)
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    There are at least three reasons for preparing such reports. First, every government needs to collect taxes and therefore requires detailed information on the companys performance, revenues and expenses. Second, the shareholders need to know, whether the companys management is professional enough, and ask for confirmation with facts and figures. Third, the companys top executives must control the efficiency of the companys various departments and the input of each department in the companys operational results. The reports prepared by the companys accounting department are often verified by an auditor, which is an independent public accountant. The auditor has to confirm that the reports comply with legal requirements and they reflect the companys actual performance.

  • 17. Ведение делопроизводства в филиале "Павловомежрайгаз"
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    1. Не допускается прием на работу лиц моложе 16 лет. В исключительных случаях по согласованию с ФЗМК могут быть приняты на работу лица, достигшие 15 лет.
    2. Запрещено применение труда лиц моложе 18 лет на тяжелых работах с вредными или опасными условиями труда, а также на подземных работах.
    3. Запрещается привлечение женщин к работам в ночное время, за исключением тех отраслей народного хозяйства, где это вызывается особой необходимостью и разрешается в качестве временной меры.
    4. Женщины, имеющие детей в возрасте от одного года до восьми лет, не могут привлекаться к сверхурочным работам и направляться без их согласия в командировку.
    5. Запрещается отказывать женщинам в приеме на работу и снижать им заработную плату по мотивам, связанным с беременностью или кормлением ребенка.
    6. Каждый рабочий, независимо от квалификации и стажа работы по данной профессии должен ежеквартально проходить периодически повторный инструктаж по безопасным методам работы.
    7. Рабочие и служащие обязаны:
    8. полностью соблюдать правила по технике безопасности, производственной санитарии и противопожарной безопасности;
    9. содержать в порядке и чистоте рабочее место;
    10. выполнять только свою работу, которая поручена начальником или начальством свыше;
    11. при обнаружении опасности предупреждать товарищей по работе и немедленно сообщить администрации цеха или завода;
    12. о каждом несчастном случае на производстве пострадавший или очевидец несчастного случая должен немедленно сообщить мастеру, начальнику цеха или соответствующему руководителю работы;
    13. соблюдать особую осторожность при обходе транспортных средств, при выходе из-за угла зданий или других ограждающих обзор проезжей части.
    14. Каждый должен знать меры пожарной безопасности.
    15. Каждый должен знать трудовое законодательство.
    16. Каждый обязан уметь оказать первую медицинскую помощь:
    17. освобождение пострадавшего от электротока;
    18. искусственное дыхание;
    19. наружный массаж сердца;
    20. помощь при ранениях и кровотечениях и т.д.
  • 18. Виды перевода в современном мире
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    Carlsberg! Probably the best beer in the world.Карлсбегр! Попробуй лучшее пиво в миреPhilip Morris. Universal Taste of Lightness.Ощути вкус жизни вместе с Филипп Моррис.EFG Private Bank: … in tune with our clients.EFG банк в согласии с клиентомBusiness knows no boundaries. Neither do we. The Economist.Для бизнеса, как и для нас, нет границ. Economist

  • 19. Времена глаголов в английском языке
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  • 20. Выполнение настенного панно "Солнце" в технике лоскутного шитья
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    Мне очень нравятся изделия из лоскута. Искусство лоскутного шитья меня покорило сразу, как только на уроках технологии я познакомилась с этим видом рукоделия. Настенное панно меня привлекло своей яркостью. Я решила выполнить настенное панно в технике печворк потому, что это сейчас модно и для того, чтобы украсить интерьер своей комнаты изделием, выполненным собственными руками.