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Jose de Silva The material is proposed by Li Tzimin The material is proposed by Li Tzimin |
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- Анализ работы Ресурсного центра му «имоц» г. Шелехова за 2009 – 2010 учебный год, 317.7kb.
- Новости Телерадиоярмарки-2009 (дайджест №66), 326.18kb.
- 11. 06. 2009 итар-тасс новости (енл-2), 759.09kb.
- Е жедневные новости 8 июня 2009, 383.01kb.
- Государственная программа РФ «Информационное общество 2011 2020 годы», 521.25kb.
Por: Vladimir Zambrano. / Guerrillero Frente Antonio Nariño.
Ríos de tinta, arrobas de papel, millones de bits, miles de palabras, se han gastado, impreso, grabado y lanzado al aíre, a través de los diferentes medios de información, con motivo de las recientes muertes, en distintas circunstancias y con escasos días de diferencia, de los camaradas Manuel, Raúl e Iván, los tres, integrantes del Secretariado Nacional del Estado Mayor Central de las FARC-EP.
El denominador común de la inmensa mayoría –para no decir de la totalidad- de todo lo dicho y escrito se puede resumir en una frase que ya suena a lugar común: “…el fin de las FARC…” y los sesudos analistas se apoyan, para apuntalar sus argumentos, en todo tipo de razonamientos: Que las FARC están resquebrajadas, que con la muerte de Marulanda desaparece el mito fundacional (¿?), que el nombramiento del nuevo Comandante en Jefe ha desatado una lucha interna, que si Cano, que si Jojoy; que las deserciones, que llega una generación de comunistas ortodoxos, que sigue una de narcos puros; que perdieron el apoyo de Chávez, que porque la marcha del 4F, que porque la del 6M; que porque ahora los guerrilleros visten sudadera y no se ponen camuflado; que porque han perdido control territorial, que porque hace rato perdieron el norte ideológico, que porque “michín” y Karina; que porque el invierno; que no, que es por el verano; que porque patatín, patatá… ¡ignorantes!
Mejor dicho, ignorantes unos pocos, oportunistas y mal intencionados los más.
La verdad es que alguien que posea un poco de cultura política y tenga mínimos conocimientos a cerca de la historia reciente de nuestro país, no se atrevería a sostener semejantes embustes, a menos que tenga, claro está, algún interés ideológico, político o económico. Que los hay muchos; mercenarios ideológicos dedicados a la tarea de desinformar a cambio de unos cuantos millones mensuales.
Si nos ocupáramos –como ejercicio de calistenia mental- en comparar los argumentos de los desinformadores de profesión, con los presentados, por ejemplo, a raíz de la muerte del camarada Jacobo, en agosto de 1990; o meses más tarde, cuando el ataque a Casa Verde, campamento sede del Secretariado, ordenado por el presidente de entonces, Cesar Gaviria, veremos que son los mismos argumentos, con los que pronosticaron nuestra desaparición , pero además; cosa curiosa, son los mismos personajes y los mismos medios de desinformación. ¿Acaso no fue un tal Rafael Pardo, Ministro de Defensa de entonces, quien diagnosticó nuestra desaparición en 18 meses? ¿Se olvidaron acaso de todos aquellos que nos llamaron dinosaurios, para invitarnos seguidamente a abandonar nuestros principios e ideales, ante el fracaso del modelo socialista europeo? Y así, pudiéramos extendernos a lo largo de estos 44 años de confrontación, citando ejemplos concretos; pero para la muestra, un botón, es suficiente.
Para vuestra desgracia, señores agoreros de entonces y de ahora, para vuestra desgracia, señores desinformadores de siempre, sempiternos augures del régimen, para vuestra desdicha, debemos decirles: una vez más, se han equivocado.
Una vez más, se han equivocado, para fortuna del pueblo colombiano. Para fortuna del pueblo colombiano, aquí hay FARC, para rato.
Ni derrotadas, ni desmoralizadas, ni resquebrajadas, ni divididas, ni en desbandada. Una organización político-militar como las FARC, producto histórico del grave conflicto social y armado que afecta nuestro país; una organización político-militar fundamentada ideológicamente en una teoría científica, como lo es el marxismo-leninismo, inspiradas en el proyecto político de El Libertador -hoy nuevamente al galope por los andes suramericanos, convocando a la unidad de sus hijos-; una organización político-militar con un proyecto político estratégico de toma del poder, para la construcción del socialismo; una organización político-militar, con una propuesta política para la conformación de un gobierno patriótico, pluralista y democrático, que se ponga al frente de la solución de los problemas más urgentes que demanda el actual momento histórico que vive Colombia, comenzando por la solución política del conflicto; una organización político-militar templada en la fragua de la guerra de guerrillas más dura y prolongada que jamás haya tenido que enfrentar pueblo alguno, por conquistar su independencia; una organización político-militar con una raigambre popular tan profunda como las FARC-EP, no será derrotada, por una razón muy sencilla: Las causas económicas, políticas y sociales que le dieron origen, y la nutren, no han sido resueltas, por el contrario, cada vez se han ido intrincando más, como consecuencia del carácter violento y la rapacidad de la oligarquía colombiana. Si no creen, analicen lo que ha sucedido en estas cuatro décadas con la propiedad de la tierra. Para solo mencionar un elemento.
Señores, oráculos del régimen, tal vez, en una cosa si estamos de acuerdo. Aquí, algo huele mal, a nosotros también nos llega el hedor de un cuerpo en descomposición, algo se pudre y amenaza con desaparecer. ¿Quizás, el régimen purulento, el régimen de terror y muerte instaurado por la oligarquía pro imperialista y mafiosa que ustedes encarnan y defienden?
Jose de Silva
5 years plan of China
Committee of the CPC Central Committee will be held from 8 to 11 plenary meeting held in Beijing to discuss the next five years, the national economic and social development plan.
Analysts said that in the pursuit of sustained and rapid economic growth, China’s policy orientation will focus on balanced growth, equal opportunity and social fairness, to avoid the poor are still poor even poorer, the rich are even more unfavorable situation.
Asian Development Bank representative office in China, Tang Min, chief economist, said: “Let the masses enjoy the fruits of reform and development, bridging the gap between rich and poor and urban-rural gap is an important symbol of social harmony as one.”
From a global perspective, the per capita GDP reached 1,000 U.S. dollars for a period of time after it is easy to sharpen social contradictions, the period of easy to occur.
Tang believes that the next five years, China is in such a crucial stage. China should strive to avoid risks, to avoid making the same mistakes in some countries, in order to learn from other developing countries for development.
He said: “All the signs indicate that China’s eleventh five-year plan will focus on resolving this problem.”
Analysts said that market incentives-economic characteristics of the people caused by the income inequality, however, the Government’s policy bias and the lack of policy that was aggravated by the degree of income inequality.
State Council Development Research Center of macroeconomic forecasting Minister said Lu Zhongyuan, “Eleventh Five-Year” period, the government will adjust the macroeconomic policy of national income distribution system and the state financial expenditure structure, the establishment of agricultural support and protection system, so that farmers benefit from public services .
He said: “The Government will focus on new financial resources into the rural areas, agriculture and farmers, and the growth rate will be much higher than the regular financial revenue growth.”
From the beginning in 1953, Soviet-style “five-year plan” is always the next five years on China’s development goals and have a significant impact on the direction.
In the “Ninth Five-Year Plan” and the “Tenth Five-Year” period, “taking economic construction as the center” so that the guiding ideology of China’s annual economic growth rate exceeding 8%.
In 2004, China ahead of schedule to achieve the “Tenth Five-Year Plan” to determine the total GDP of 12.5 trillion yuan and per capita GDP9400 million goal.
However, in a time of rapid growth, Chinese society has also resulted in a serious imbalance, especially in the urban-rural gap and the gap between the rich and the poor, the polarization significantly.
Hu Angang, a professor at Tsinghua University in its research report said that the Chinese urban and rural residents per capita income gap in 1995 was 2.5 times that in 2003 expanded to 3.23 times when, if, taking into account access to all urban residents types of transfer payments and subsidies, while the gap between actual income of about 5 times.
He said: “China’s income from a relatively equal status, is rapidly becoming a more serious degree of income inequality in the country.”
The gap between urban and rural areas not only makes a large number of agricultural population reduced to poverty groups, urban residents but also faces enormous employment pressure. “Tenth Five-Year” period, the average annual GDP growth of 8.6%, but in the industrial field, high-growth pace of employment growth has been slow, only 0.7 percent employment growth rate, the first time in 2004 or even negative growth.
Observers have said that in China’s towns and rural areas, has been at the same time the “poor class”.
Rapidly expanding gap between rich and poor is likely to endanger China’s future economic growth and social harmony. According to the statistics calculated, “15” all kinds of Chinese society during the rapid rise in the number of cases, litigation of the amount of GDP accounted for about 7%.
Since 1986, law and order in the case of China the average annual growth rate of more than 10%.
Severe situation for China’s “Tenth Five-Year” made the latter the goal of building a harmonious society. Premier Wen Jiabao in March this year, faced with hundreds of Chinese and foreign journalists, also quoted Nobel Prize winner, the U.S. economist Schulz “poor economics” theory, in order to build a harmonious society footnote reading strategy of governing the country. Hu said: “This will be the eleventh five-year plan, one of the basic ideas.” (END)
Five-Year Plan for China’s future in favor of the poor revenue growth
Committee of the CPC Central Committee will be held from 8 to 11 plenary meeting held in Beijing to discuss the next five years, the national economic and social development plan.
Analysts said that in the pursuit of sustained and rapid economic growth, China’s policy orientation will focus on balanced growth, equal opportunity and social fairness, to avoid the poor are still poor even poorer, the rich are even more unfavorable situation.
The central leadership of the National Five-Year Plan for intensive research to find the local power
“In the July 25 decision in October of the Fifth Plenary Session held after the sixth decade, the central leadership had launched an intensive, the overall and long periods of field research, a collective leadership of the new people-oriented style of governance.” Duchu leaf of the Central Party School Professor analyzed.
“The current tax on the narrow gap between rich and poor basic invalid”
Held in Beijing on the 27th of the personal income tax deducted from the cost of the standard wage hearings by the community, financial experts, East China University of Political Science and Honorary President of the Business School, Professor Wang Kangmao recent interview with Xinhua said that China’s tax cuts should be modest, at the same time to develop and increase the variety of “rich man’s tax” to adjust the gap between rich and poor, environmental protection and non-binding acts of immorality.
“Widening gap between rich and poor” is not polarized?
When people are suffering from a reality gap between the rich and the poor, the scholars are comforted that “As regards the polarization is not” really unbearable.
Statistical Society, vice president of the Beijing Du Kenneth Paul, in a recent public lecture in which he said “At present there is no polarization of the issue of China” on the grounds that: At present, China does not appear through the consortium, the operation of trust, such as capital and wealth groups; high-income a considerable number of classes from the contribution to national economic development sectors; Despite the expanding gap between rich and poor, but did not form a class of absolute poverty, China’s low-income faster than revenue growth in high-income strata; currently throughout the Gini coefficient still in a reasonable range.
The material is proposed by Li Tzimin
problem of 25 12 1991
December 25, 1991, when the people of the West immersion in the joy of Christmas, in the East, while flying in the international arena, the red flag up to 74 years over slowly lowered from the Kremlin. This means that a representative of mankind's most noble ideals of the country, a victory over the planet's most brutal of the devil - a fascist country, was a vast territory of the world's most powerful military power and the country - the Union of Soviet Socialist Union has become the history of the Republic.
With the breakup of the Soviet Union's dissolution of the Soviet Communist Party. There is no doubt that this is the history of mankind, one of the greatest tragedy. But, surprisingly, is derived from the broad masses of the Soviet Communist Party of the poor, the support of the people in power as long as 74 years of Marxism-Leninism at the time of the dissolution of political parties, but still do not have a grass-roots party members or the general public to stand up against it! Of course, these people know what to do sudden drastic changes in the political reasons, but the larger component is the reason for the late Soviet regime was in power rigid restrictions on the development of productive forces of the Soviet Union, there is no majority of the people to effectively maintain the fundamental interests of the masses , not to give full play to the great superiority of the socialist system.
The Soviet Union was founded, after a time of war communism and the effectiveness of the blunder, Lenin correctly chose the "new economic policy" in line with Russia's basic national conditions of the road. "New economic policy" is the core of state capitalism, which is not at that time for some Red Army soldiers, revolutionaries and understood by the masses of workers and peasants. Is this the image of Lenin explained: "We This is a step back and two steps forward!" After all, for Russia the peasants 80% of the total population of the "quasi-" capitalist countries, account for a large proportion of small-scale peasant economy, when What a lack of large-scale industrial production. Backward productive forces can not be directly to the rapid transition to socialism. Therefore, only through the "new economic policy" to develop the productive forces in order for the Soviet Union's future development and construction of the socialist productive forces and lay the basis of material and. However, this in line with the basic tenets of Marxism, "relations of production to adapt to the productive forces" after the road was Lenin's successor, Stalin rejected. Stalin is biased understanding of the proletarian internationalism, but also by the impact of great Russian chauvinism (although he is in Georgia), and take it for granted that the world as the only socialist country, the Soviet Union should lead the whole the world revolution, as Napoleon spread the use of force in the capitalist Europe, the Soviet Union by force should the socialist red flag inserted every corner of the world! Thus, in order to achieve this goal, to the rapid rise of the Soviet Union, in the "our planet's greatest figures - Stalin," the slogan of socialism with the Stalinist model of the system after a series of major counter-insurgency, and inner-party struggle cleansing and so on, the final has been established in the Soviet Union.
Stalin's model is the core of a highly centralized planned economy and centralized system. In the center under the guidance of the Soviet Union in 1928 to two in 1938, "Five-Year Plan", the complete nationalization of industry and collectivization of agriculture; Although the economy has been rapid development, with an average annual growth rate of 16.1 percent of national income, Europe first, the world's second industrial power, but that the expense of light industry and agriculture for the price. Because the development of light industry and agriculture will not be rapid, high-speed economic growth and improvement of military strength; and this is even more impossible to lead the world revolution. Light industry and agriculture caused by the slow development of the consequences are very serious. At that time, the Soviet Union, creating the world's most advanced tanks, has not made a decent pair of boots; known as "rice Europe" of the Ukraine was in 1932 and 1933, broke out between the Great Famine rare. It can be said that the Soviet Communist Party at the time made a fundamental error: after she came to power not to raise people's living standards in the first place, but to maximize the expansion of armaments and blind "catching up" the developed capitalist countries as the primary任务. Of course, many people might think that, to heavy industry at the core of the highly centralized model of the socialist planned economy is the success of the Soviet Union to overcome the root causes of fascist aggression. However, please do not forget, when the Russian tsar in the most corrupt authoritarian rule of the feudal period, the remains of Napoleon defeated the all-powerful empire. Communist Party continues to go on this error. When the dawn of peace after World War II approaches, the Soviet Union still live in a "state of war" in the. And military strong-phase of the planned economic system to adapt to the leading cadres of the centralization of economic and administrative order management. Stalin at the top of the pyramid of power, many years of personality cult and arbitrary so long ago lost the possibility of reform. His successor, Nikita Khrushchev accurate to some extent to see the drawbacks of the Stalinist model, tried a radical reform, but at that time at home and abroad as a result of the formation of his severe pressure, mainly Poland and Hungary and the Sino-Soviet debate events , Stalin and his very objectively, almost hysterically and critical to completely negate the adverse effects caused by the other to touch the original structure had to abandon the reform of the core issues, thus missing the opportunity to reform, not in the right direction reforms continue.
The Brezhnev era, the Soviet system has begun to show a certain degree of retrogression. The main reason is that Brezhnev through the "coup" come to power, he came to power at the beginning of the primary task is to consolidate power, not reform; and the consolidation of power is the best example of Stalin. So he began to follow the example of Stalin's blunders, the carrying out of personal worship and personal superstition, and an unprecedented expansion of armaments, the Soviet Union blocked market linkages with the international market. Source of foreign exchange at the time the Soviet Union in addition to the sale of arms, only the oil exported. Brezhnev personally to mediocre, in fact, Marxism-Leninism ideology do not know; in order to keep his hard-won power, the latter has to carry out a series of increasingly conservative policies. Restrain excessive internal stability, he changed the life tenure for leading cadres to strengthen and undermine socialist democracy and legal system; lead to the aging of high-level party and government, lack of vitality; top-down a "privileged class"屡禁不绝corruption, wantonly spread of bureaucracy, the people complaining. Foreign militarism, armed intervention in Czechoslovakia, flagrant invasion of Afghanistan, in a vain attempt by showing a strong Soviet force to enhance their prestige among the people, the result is nothing but a waste of resources. However, like his predecessor, Leonid Brezhnev, the implementation of the reform to some extent. The salient features of its social welfare is greatly enhanced. In this regard, Brezhnev called "developed socialism." But, in fact, in order to meet the high welfare brought about by high spending, the Soviet Union has nearly depleted the national treasury. Brezhnev to the accumulation of the former are exhausted him. Therefore, in a sense, "developed socialism" is the essence of "stagnation of socialism" is the total was to avoid the issue of Bo, the excuse to avoid reform. Andropov and Chernenko, after two transitional period, the CPC Central Committee to adhere to the principle of just based on the heavy combat bureaucratic corruption, the Soviet Union entered the era of Mikhail Gorbachev. At the moment as the face of the supreme leader Mikhail Gorbachev is a mess: the long-term rigid planned economy of communism is neither a product of economic, not a socialist commodity economy. It is already not suitable for the productivity of the Soviet Union, the Soviet Union to become the biggest obstacle to the development of productive forces. At that time, the lower the efficiency of factory production, business losses year after year; collective farms of the farmers there is no more production. Even the first time the Soviet Union from a major exporter of agricultural products into the importing countries of agricultural products. According to the current Russian President, the then Soviet KGB officer in East Germany, Putin said that the eighties an array of goods shelves of East Germany, and the Soviet people had to queue up to buy daily necessities! It can be seen as a socialist "Big Brother" state of the economy and even the Soviet Union is not as good as "little brother" of democracy in Germany. In addition, the treasury empty and the quagmire of the war in Afghanistan, the Soviet people's lives worse, the rising crime rate, people increasingly dissatisfied with the government. In this context, the prime of life, the Soviet Union Mikhail Gorbachev began a new, reform is also the last time. Gorbachev's reform is more successful. The end of the Cold War, troops from Afghanistan have made a series of measures such as the Soviet Union's international image has been greatly improved. However, his domestic reforms have occurred in a series of irreversible mistakes. He relaxed the government's intervention in the enterprise, so that highly centralized planned economy to a commodity economy, the Soviet Union but did not change the unreasonable economic structure, and the people living with the light is still not the development of agriculture, with the result that people lose confidence in the reform; he made an error on the reactionary nature of the so-called "democratic and humane socialism", "democratic, open and pluralistic" and "new thinking"; he wrong to emphasize the bourgeoisie "freedom" and "democracy" has led to the opposition able to take advantage of social unrest; he vilify the Soviet Union history, the negative distortion of the basic principles of Marxism-Leninism, to beautify the West, seriously disrupting the people's thinking; it was the Soviet Union and the Eastern European countries, the ideology of the field of total chaos (in particular, I am sorry that the Soviet Union Comrade Heslov). All this eventually forced the conservative party launched a "819" coup. After a failed coup, Gorbachev has been at a loss have to allow the mercy of the opposition, announced the dissolution of the Soviet Communist Party and completely abandon the party's national leadership; the former republics also have back UNITA. Lose confidence in the reform of the public calmly accepted the fact that the disintegration of the Soviet Union ... ...
Throughout the course of Soviet state 74 years of wind and rain, we will find that she is not entirely by the dissolution of Gorbachev's own making, but contrary to the Soviet Union long-term "relations of production must adapt to the productive forces," the objective economic laws, the Communist Party does not have a very better safeguard the fundamental interests of the people, nor a good representative of the requirements of the development of advanced productive forces created by the root. On the eve of the collapse of the Soviet Union, an opinion poll showed that more than 80% of citizens believe that the Communist Party represents the interests of senior party members, regardless of the grass-roots party members and the masses should live or die. Such a political party lost the support of the people, how can it become a qualified party does? The time of the dissolution of her and who would have saved her?
Of course, we also can not deny that the Soviet Communist Party in its leadership the Soviet people during the Soviet Union has created a brilliant culture heroism of the proletariat and the great development of building socialism with enduring results. She is still the progress of our young people and the world proletarian revolutionaries of the spiritual food and forward objectives. However, only the advanced culture, and not representative of the advanced productive forces has always insisted on the requirements of the development and maintenance of the broad masses of the people the fundamental interests of the Soviet Union was unable to prevent the dumping of the building.
Therefore, the same party as the ruling party must learn from the Soviet Union and the Communist Party's historical experience and lessons, and resolutely implement the "Three Represents", building, governing for the people; the right of the people, an emotional tie with creating benefits for the people; serve the people wholeheartedly, to re-up the Soviet Union's red flag, not the succession of the great cause of the Soviet Communist Party!
The material is proposed by Li Tzimin