Федерации Ассоциация «Агрообразование»
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СодержаниеNikolaeva N.A. Николаева Н.А. |
- Всероссийский круглый стол, 58.29kb.
- И «Ассоциация юристов России» (Ассоциация) зависит, в том числе от разработки и реализации, 137.24kb.
- Министерство здравоохранения и социального развития рф, фгу научный центр акушерства,, 31.82kb.
- Министерство здравоохранения и социального развития рф, фгу научный центр акушерства,, 31.72kb.
- Exhibition Centre «Интерсиб», 149.15kb.
- Нп «сибирская ассоциация консультантов», 77.09kb.
- Нп «сибирская ассоциация консультантов», 62.36kb.
- Пост-релиз Международная специализированная выставка, 338.4kb.
- Iv всероссийский социологический конгресс 2 4 февраля 2012 года, 52.85kb.
- Iv всероссийский социологический конгресс 2 4 февраля 2012 года, 15.95kb.
Nikolaeva N.A.
Buryat State Academy of Agricultury named after professor
Philippov V.R., Ulan-Ude
Проблемы перехода на многоуровневую систему в рамках Болонского процесса на технологическом факультете Бурятской государственной с.-х. академии
Николаева Н.А.
ФГОУ ВПО «Бурятская государственная сельскохозяйственная академия им. В.Р. Филиппова» г. Улан-Уде
Currently main Bologna agreement statements are putting into force at the Russian higher education institutions including Buryat State Academy of Agricultury (BSAA). They have been realizing through the main statements like: easily readable and comparable degrees, implementation of the Diploma Supplement; adoption of a system essentially based on two main cycles, establishment of a system of credits (ECTS), promotion of students, teachers, researchers’ mobility, introduction of quality assurance system, creation of the European Research Area.
Two goals like implementation of the Diploma Supplement and introduction of quality assurance system have been introduced basically in the Russian higher education institutions. In our Academy QMS (Quality Management System) department was organized in 2009. It has been worked under QMS Standards constructed by professors and lecturers of BSAA. For instance, me and co-author did 4 Academy Standards of QMS (Quality Management System): STO 8.2.2.-24.0-2008 Internal Audits, STO 8.3.0.-25.0-2008 Analysis and Control of Nonconforming, STO 8.4.0.-26.0-2008 Data Analysis for Improving, STO 8.5.1.-27.0-2008 Corrective and Preventive Actions.
Last year the main problems for our faculty were: 1. Adoption of a system essentially based on two main cycles and 2. Establishment of a system of credits (ECTS). Nowadays it has been passed due to releasing new Bachelors and Masters State education standards founded on ECTS. As well we constructed six new curricula: two Curricula of the Bachelor Degree Program: “Animal Science”, “Biology with Focus on Game Management”, four Curricula of the Master Degree Program: “Animal Nutrition and Feed Technology”, “Breeding, Selection, Genetics and Reproduction of Livestock”, “ Livestock Enterprise, Technology of Animal Production”, “ Biology with Focus on Game Management”. Five of them have been sent to Ministry of Education and Science of Russian Federation and all of them have been certificated and licenced.
The main problems to reach Bologna goals are promotion of students, teachers, researchers’ mobility and creation of the European Research Area. In European Universities these problems were overcame through offering many courses in English, convergence of degree structures across Europe, design of united curriculum, modernization of current courses and elaboration of new ones in English which can be highly relevant for both EU and non-EU students. For instance, there are more than 300 courses of science subject in English in BOKU (Wien, Austria). Consortium consists of six European Universities have worked out integrated European Master of Science Course in Animal Breeding and Genetics.
Unfortunately, there are absolutely no special science courses in our Academy. The same situation is in many Russian higher education intuitions. Our faculty (former zootechnicial, nowadays techonological) is the oldest one as in Academy, as in our region, has very professional staff, good results in all spheres of education, research, exellent key figures. There are absolutly no gaps but one. It is mobility. The figure of outcoming students’ mobility for last 5 years is one student, incoming mobility is zero. It is much regret, but many successful students from technological faculty are unable to take part at the International mobility projects due to they have no experience to educate in English environment in consequence of absence any disciplines taking in English. On the other side international students desired to visit our Academy but lacked Russian can not do it because there are not any subjects in English. Lecturers do not take classes in English because they need some special knowledge, skills how to do it, how create science course in English.
To overcome these obstacles we can offer some decisions. It would be innovative teaching methodology, for instance, for General Biology classes. General Biology includes 7 didactic chapters with 32 sections. 1. The Essence of Life, Property and Levels of Life Organization, 2. The Organic Evolution, 3. The Living Systems: cell, organism, 4. The Biodiversity, 5. The Heredity and the Variability, 6. The Human Physiology, Ecology and Health, 7. The Ecosystem, the Biosphere and Man, 8. Ecology and Environmental Management, 9. Biologically-ecological Practicum.
Knowledge of science English terminology from General Biology course will help to our students to study in the future some special subjects in English connected to the General Biology (from animal science, technology of production and processing of agricultural products, game management, veterinary medicine, agronomy). Firstly it needs introducing integrative lectures of General Biology using English fractionally and then eventually working out course of General Biology in English. But to realize this idea one can needs special teaching skills and knowlwge how to teach special subject by science lecturer. There are two ways. First one is to take training in European Universities which have amassed wealth of experience in teaching some special subjects in English by science lecturers. One can meet those teachers, visit some lectures, study didactic materials. Next way is to cooperate with English teachers and work out intergative compulsory and elective science courses in English. It would to be a good basement for passing related problem such as creation of the European Research Area.
1. Николаева, Н.А. Отчет о стажировке в BOKU/ /Отчеты по итогам учебных и научных стажировок в рамках проекта “International Academic Mobility Network with Russia” (IAMONET-RU).- Информационно-методическое издание.- Улан-Удэ, 2009.- С.48-64
2. https://blis-archiv.boku.ac.at/zope/tpp/lv/index_html
3. ссылка скрыта
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