Problem of ensuring of manageability: from rationalization to communicativeness The article is devoted to a problem of ensuring of manageability in the modern organizations. Various approaches to ensuring of manageability are researched. The special attention is given to a problem of ensuring of manageability in the astable environment in conditions of necessity of constant innovations. In conclusion of the article principles of the modern approach to ensuring of manageability based on horizontal management are formulated.
Korepanov, G.S.
Innovations of Modern Russian Society: Regional aspect The author of the article with a help of Carrying out empirical, theoretical, sociological investigations showed the necessity and importance of innovative activity of different social parts of population for perspective development of Tyumen regions. At the same time the author underlined the Particular part of ruling, scientific business-elite in the process of working out and introduction the innovations into social-political, social-economic and social-cultural sphere.
Krinizkey, A.Ia.
Efficiency of the state youth policy: problem of choice and measuring indicators Clause is devoted to questions of formation and realization of the state youth policy. Various approaches to understanding of efficiency of youth programs, allocation of criteria of program activity efficiency are analysed. Comparative analysis of criteria of the efficiency of separate regional youth programs is carried out, pluses and minuses are examined.
Savinov, L.V.
Peculiarities and problems of ethnopolitical processes in the siberian federal district Possibility or impossibility in the present political and legal framework to meet the needs of different ethnic groups can either stimulate social consolidation or lead to ethnic outrage as a form of civil confrontation, in which at least one side becomes mobilized and organized and acts on the ethnic principle or on behalf of the ethnic community.
Based on the foregoing, an attempt is made to reveal the peculiarities and problems of the ethnopolitics and ethnic processes in the Siberian Federal District.
The specificity of ethnopolitical processes in the Siberian Federal District is mostly determined by the integration due to the unification of subjects of the Russian Federation, as well as with the disintegration processes determined by new waves of migration and - as a result - by enforcement of ethno-phobia and cultural nationalism.
Tkachyova, N.A.
The Attitude of the representatives of he authority and business to the problems of migrants in small northern towns of the district (according to the results of sociological researchers) The author explores outside migration intensity and direction of peoples migration.
The author also shows up the role of migratory movement in social-economic and social-cultural life of the district according to the example of a small northern town.
Fyodorov, I.V.
Industria Policy: about questions of leveling of industrial regional potencial of Russian Federation.
The author analyses the methods of giving to Russia regions of a definite type of investive climate. The author also describes structural elements in a modern and long-term typology on investive climate.
Fyodorova, O.B., Chizhevskaya, E.L.
Formation of regional development programs:organizational aspect Results of practice studying of formation and selection of regional programs of the Tyumen region are presented in the work. A number of disadvantages of development process of a complex of programs of socio-economic territory development is revealed.
Authors offer updatings in the field of organizational aspect of increase of a program-target management efficiency of regional development. Allocation of additional working group at a preliminary stage of selection of programs is proved.
N.A. Anisova, A.V. Nesvat Stimulation aggregate demand as factor sustainable development territorys (by example yakutsk city urban district) Aggregate demand has been analyzed, as economic development of region control mechanism on Yakutsk city urban district. Structure and main factors, that influence upon aggregate demand have been examined. As a result of appreciating and predicting on Yakutsk city urban district aggregate demand main directions of aggregate demand developing was given.
Karnauhov, M.N.
The technology of management of corporate business portfolio oil and gas structures An urgency and a choice of methods of the portfolio analysis of branch structures are proved in the work. Preconditions, the basic directions and the mechanism of realization of the analysis of a corporate business portfolio with reference to the oil and gas enterprises are considered.
Protizen, A.N.
Features of>
Rudenok, O.V.
Problems of valuation of the competitive ability of the production of the construction organizations One of the directions of the solution of the problem of the forming of the market for accessible dwelling in Russia is the realization of priority national project Уaccessible and comfortable dwelling - to the citizens of RussiaФ, in which are actively begun to operate the organizations of the most varied branches of the economy and, first of all, construction organizations. Effectiveness the realizations of this project in many respects will be determined by the principle of the best relationship of quality, comfort and cost of dwelling, which in turn predetermines the competitive ability of the production of the construction organizations. However, many construction organizations do not adhere to this principle - this is expressed in the absence orientations to the demand and conducts to reduction in the result of their production activity and decrease in competitive ability level of their end product.
Simonova, M.V.
New approach to development: mixed-use format in Russia In this article the trends and perspectives of project realization in multifunctional complexes construction are considered. Conceptions of terms development and mixed-use property are exposed in accordance to the Russian business practice. Advantages and risks of constructing the mixed-use objects on the Russian commercial real estate market are analyzed. The conclusions on perspectives of realizing such projects in the regions of Russia are supposed.
Aimautova, N.E.
The Academic and the Applied Sociology: Problems of Interference within the Сsociologist - clientТ interaction There is an opinion that requestors of sociological research only deal with applied sociology scholars. In fact, the scheme of interaction is much more complicated and involves academic scholars who suggest models and interpretations for the collected data.
Zheleznyakov, A.S.
Nomad Civilization: blind alley or perspectives of progress The author reveals problems of identity among the world civilizations using the Mongolian examples. Belonging to the northern (Tibetan) branch of Buddhism and nomadizm (basic tenor of their agriculture) are the distinguishing features of this civilization.
Kozlova, V.L.
The materials for the synonymic-antonymic dictionary of the Siberian old-resident dialect by V.L. Kozlova The material of the article contains the sections УInstead of the prefaceФ and УEntriesФ. In the first section there are the basic theoretical theses which characterize the type of the given dictionary and its structure. The second section contains entries representing the synonymic- antonymic paradigms of one of the semantic fields in the system of the Siberian old-resident dialect.
Korotov, B..
The Influence of social-demographical factors to the forming of modern preferences in the art The author considers the development of separate cultural trends in general, and in arts specifically, because it depends from a lot of social factors. There are the results of the authorТs research of the influence of the social-demographical factors to the preferences in arts.
Koshetarova, L.N.
Meanings of advertising In the given article the multiplanned phenomenon of advertisement is considered as the phenomenon of culture, which integral indication is its ability to sense appearance. The author pays attention to the signs, symbols and archetypes as the basic ways in realization of the advertisingТs world-outlooking meanings.
Lazutina, T.V.
Sociology of music: language of music in light social-cultural of the approach The modern society requires development of musical culture as in an effective way of overcoming of crisis observed in spiritual life.
Music represents a specific way of vision of the world, with which help the people realize themselves and environmental world, using the special system of language means. Language of music in given clause is considered as generation society.
The central problem of given clause is the analysis of music as social-cultural of a phenomenon. The questions of national is of language of music are considered, and also his function, among which is allocated general - communicative.
Miheeva, N.N.
Charity in social realization of equity in the region The author of the article deals with rights basis of russian charity and focuses on the relation of population to charity actions. The subjects of russian society charity are systemized by the author, and in what way the problems of social charity are decided, at the same time she points out the sense of it aimed at realization of this phenomena in Tyumen Region.
Puzanova, Zh. V.
Empirical sociological studies on measurements of loneliness The article deals with possibilities of study and analysis of loneliness phenomenon in all itТs multiformity on various levels of perception and comprehension using the example of retrieval empirical research.
Talanov, S.L.
The influence of the microclimate to the personality of an under age criminal The author investigates the personality of an under age criminal, analyses main social factors promoting to the origin of a particular cultural groupings. The author also analyses the causes of appearing criminal groupings.
Sharipova, E.M.
Sources of religious fanaticism in the modern Russia The author considers the religious fanaticism as a social phenomenon and tries to give definition of this phenomenon. The article analyses the reasons of religious fanaticism`s origin in the modern Russia.
Sherbakova, E.L.
The formation of will and need motivations sphere in the process of taking decisions This article is about the formation of will and need - motivationТs sphere. They are formed by degrees. They play a great role in decisions - making tools.
Zasepkin, V.P.
Power - Science - Education: Cooperation or Resistance The article deals with the problem of interaction of three main entities of innovative Khanty-Mansi Autonomous District - Yugra development. The author of the article has formulated several key problems of interaction between power, science and education, elimination of which would overcome the existing gaps in their business relationship.
Kononova, Yu.P.
Education transforms in the information and communication civilization The educational institution dynamics in different epochs is regarded in the article. Also educational transformsТ main traits in the western countries and Russia are presented and todayТs realities speciphics with modern trends processes in this sphere are taken into account.
Sergeeva, N.N., Abesheva, N.Yu.
To the problems of using regional components at the lessons of foreign languages The article is devoted to the pedagogical technology of modern education. In this article contains a brief characteristics of regional component in different reference books and has influence on maintenance and methods of activities.
Cheremisina, E.V.
Social Interaction of Institutes of Higher Education as a Factor of Improving Quality of Education The author of the article examines the necessity of broadening social interaction of institutes of higher education with the state bodies and employers in order to improve quality of education.
Shaparov, A.E.
Education and vertical social mobility Education - appears to be one of the most important institution, influencing social mobility. However, there is considerable evidence that the introduction and expansion of education systems in the modern Russia have not led to increasing levels of relative social mobility.
This is due to a range of factors including the ability of Russian families to take advantage of educational opportunities.
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