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,...,..., THE AUTHORS Anisov, Iu.B.
General manager of companies OOO УSibprofconsultФ Omelaenko, N.V.
An assistant of the chair of foreign languages N1 of Tyumen Oil and Gas University Kurushena, E.V.
Senior lecturer of the chair of organization of manufacture and foreign economic activity of Tyumen Oil and Gas University Neustroyev, D.V.
The head of the department of internal audit and economic analyses of Tyumen Oil and Gas University Revyakina, Q.V.
Candidate of f. sciences, senior lecturer of the chair of state and municipal management of Tyumen State Architectural University Rostovzev, S.A.
Deputy of the head of the department of professional orientation and professional teaching. The Department of State Service of population in Sverdlovsk Region Zerchaninova, T.E.
Senior lecturer of the chair of state and municipal management of Ural Academy of State Service Rubzova, M.V.
Doctoral Candidate of the chair of social management and planning of Saint Petersburg State University Korepanov, G.S.
The deputy of a chairman of Tyumen Region Duma Krinizkey, A.Ia.
Senior lecturer of the chair of Management of Social cultural activity of Tyumen State Academy of Culture and Arts Savinov, L.V.
Senior lecturer of Sociology and social management of Siberian Academy of State service Tkachyova, N.A.
Senior lecturer of (social v) yhe chair of social work of Tyumen State Oil and Gas University Fyodorov, I.V.
A senior teacher, Omsk State Technical University Fyodorova, O.B.
Sinior lecturer of the chair MTEK of Tyumen State Oil and Gas University Chizhevskaya, E.L.
Sinior lecturer of the chair MTEK of Tyumen State Oil and Gas University Nesvat, A.V., Anisova, N.A.
General Manager of ZAO audit Company @ROST@ Karnauhov, M.N.
Senior lecturer of the chair of Management in branches of TEK of Tyumen State Oil and Gas University Protizen, A.N.
An assistant of the chair of management in branches of TEK of Tyumen State Oil and Gas University Rudenok, O.V.
An assistant of the chair of management in branch of TEK of Tyumen State Oil and Gas University in the town Sovetskoe Simonova, M.V.
A postgraduate of Tyumen State University Aimautova, N.E.
A candidate of Russian University of peoples Friendship Zheleznyakov, A.S.
The head of the depertment of the Institute of Sociology RAN Kozlova, V.L.
A candidate of philological Sciences, a senior research worker of Scientific Research Institute of research of society Tyumen State Oil and Gas University Korotov, B..
A postgraduate of the chair of social Management of Tyumen State Oil and Gas University Koshetarova, L.N.
A postgraduate of the chair of Management of Tourism and Hotel Business of Tyumen State Academy of Culture and Arts Lazutina, T.V.
A Senior lecturer of the chair of Philosophy of Tyumen State Oil and Gas University Miheeva, N.N.
A junior scientific collaborator of Tyumen State Oil and Gas University Puzanova, Zh. V.
A Senior lecturer of the chair of Sociology a deputy of sociological laboratory of Russian University of Peoples Friendship Talanov, S.L.
A candidate of the sector of sociology deviated behavior of the Institute of sociology RAN Sharipova, E.M.
A postgraduate of the chair of history and culturology of Tyumen State Oil and Gas University Sherbakova, E.L.
An assistant of the chair of Romance Germany languages Zasepkin, V.P.
A vice-principal of scientific work of Surgut state University, a candidate of philological sciences Kononova, Yu.P.
A postgraduate of the chair of culturology and Social Technology of Tyumen State Academy of Culture and Arts Sergeeva, N.N.
A postgraduate of the chair of German Language and Methous of teaching german language of Tobolsk State Pedagogical Institute named after D.I. Mendeleev Abesheva, N.Yu.
A postgraduate of the chair of German Language and Methous of teaching german language of Tobolsk State Pedagogical Institute named after D.I. Mendeleev Cheremisina, E.V.
A senior teacher of the chair of national economy and management of Tyumen State Academy of the World Economy, Management and Rights Shaparov, A.E.
Arhangelsk State Technical University acting the head of the chair of History and Politology (political scientist) ABSTRACTS Anisov, Iu.B.
The methodological approach to perfection of social section of regional programs of development Existing system of social privileges is explored, main defects are defined. The methodical approach on integration of groups of exempts is offered and criteria of reference are defined.
Omelaenko, N.V.
Modern Researches of The Ethnical Category The article УModern researches of the ethnical category,Ф is devoted to a problem of its studying. The author gives a detailed analysis of different theories introduced by foreign and domestic scientists.
Kurushena, E.V.
Human Potential Management Based on Motivational Factors The author considers the system of motivational factors of the human potential quantitative growth. The results of the research of the human potential dependence on motivational factors in the aspect of territory are presented, the rating of the factors in the Russian Federation and the evaluation of the human potential sensitiveness to the factors in the Federal Regions are given in the article.
Neustroyev, D.V.
Inducative Pianning of the Region Development: preconditions and Methodical Bases The main preconditions and necessities of application of indicative planning at the regional level (ex. the Tyumen region) are considered in this article. A multilevel generalized system of forecasting indicators of the region development, changing range and methods of estimation of the balance for the indicators are offered with the of dependence matrix building.
Revyakina, Q.V.
Formation and Development of Small Business in Modern Russia as Bases For Madlle>
Rostovzev, S.A., Zerchaninova, T.E.
The experience of the social projection organization The article is dedicated to elaboration of the social project for decision of the social problems and organizationТs creation. They re described procedure and methods of the social projection of the local cultural-educational and leisure complex. The methodology of the projection is based on the model R. AkoffТs applied system analysis.
Rubzova, M.V.
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