the two countries stood at USD 700 mln., with Rus- In 2002, the government is going to cancel all the sian continuing to maintain a positive ( circa USD privileges for Уshuttle tradersФ and make them 100 mln.) value of its trade balance with Belarus. equal to УorganizedФ importers. The government RussiaТs exports to Belarus comprise mostly min- has already developed a draft Resolution, in comeral commodities: crude oil, natural gas, ferrous pliance, with which all the goods weighting no metals, - as well as machinery and means of trans- more than 50 kg. and worth a total of under USD portation. The latter two enlarged items roughly ac- 1,000 may be imported free of duties only in the count for 40% of the overall volume of export sup- presence of their owner, an power of attorney of plies each, while one-fifth of those is formed by other similar documents will not have any legal efchemicals, food stuffs and agricultural raw materi- fect in such cases. The government proposes to als, non-precious metals (except ferrous ones) and consider a cargo weighting between 50 to 200 kg.
the related articles. as a commercial stock of goods subject to collecBelarus mostly import to RF machinery and tion of regular customs duties.
means of transportation, textiles, footwear, food The adoption of this procedure is necessitated by in the national market and generate budget revegrowing volume of quasi- legal imports of products nues.
of the light industry. According to the RF Ministry In addition, the government is confident that of Economic Development and Trade, УgrayФ practically there are УshuttlesФ operating any more, schemes allow the importation of up to 90% of im- while their benefits have long been usurped by port supplies of textiles, footwear, furs, toys, and cargo-companies, thus absolutely illegally diminabout 70% of perfumery goods. The innovation ishing their customs payments.
N. Volovik, N. Leonova should help Russian producers to fill in their niche
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