of one or another developer, he or she is a link between the science Innovation is a basis for development of the national economy of (in this case) and the society. And first and foremost: interest of the Republic of Belarus. The science should support its growth. And originators of modern high technologies in popularization of their therefore the cardinal guidelines to follow are utilization of the recent ideas is necessary.
technologies, advanced development of high technology industries.
Issues of popularization of scientific and technical achievements and That is why the National Bioethics Committee was founded in the innovations in electronic mass-media and Internet have been considered Republic of Belarus by efforts of scientists, administrative structures by the participants of the press seminar. Upon having analyzed the and public organizations.
publications presented at the seminar, the participants have concluded Popularization of bioethic knowledge among target social groups that Internet is an effective and promising channel of presentation of and general public by education and through mass-media remains today science, which allows not only to deliver the information promptly one of the major problems. Wide access to the objective information and trace the readership interests, but also to develop them.
is the major condition of shaping human culture of thinking, since During the seminar issues of new scientific developments both in objective and reliable information allows to evaluate current events medicine and in physics, and energy saving issues have been touched adequately and to contribute to true understanding of the logic of upon. A conclusion has been drawn that culture of energy utilization modern development.
should be raised: one must thoughtfully spend power when generating, Competent press coverage of scientific and innovative activity is transmitting and using it. A presentation of new technologies in becoming a matter of principle, it is aimed to form the public scientific medicine and public health has taken place. The meeting has learnt outlook and establish a positive image of the domestic science, and about the directed steps taken by the Belarusian government.
quality of administrative solutions in this sphere.
Role of the offshore programming in the modern high technological During the discussion issue of training of mass media workers for software development has been defined. The main thing about the editions dedicated to science was touched upon. Mir Zhivotnyh (World offshore programming is that it allows to lower the software cost.
of Animals) and Ecolog i Ya (Ecologist and I) editions occupy an active The press seminar participants have dwelled on the innovative position in the shaping process of bioethical awareness. At present the revolution in the post-Soviet territory and the role of mass-media Public Resource Center of Ecological Information is being organized in advance towards the innovative economy. A conclusion has been on the basis of the editorial boards, where it is planned to collect as reached that the majority of Russian large and usually raw materials large selection of bio- and ecoethical literature as possible.
corporations are not likely to invest domestic innovations. Russia Press seminar participants discussed a topic of science and pseudo rapidly turns into a country which gains from selling its brains.
science in interpretation of the Russian mass-media. Having analyzed And to solve the arisen problems there is an urgent need to develop the contemporary practice of the Russian media, they stated that in and start pursuing the state innovative policy.
the majority journalists show their having slight idea of structure of Ethical aspects of use of modern biotechnology achievements have also been discussed by the participants. Necessity to observe the norms of ethics and to be aware of the responsibility for the consequences of its developments exists since the appearance of genetic engineering.
Considering genetic engineering as a promising trend of science of the new age, the meeting has covered the world tendencies in development of genetic engineering biotechnologies, they analyzed methodology (26Ц27 2007.,. ) of creation of genetically modified organisms in Europe, support of accelerated development of molecular genetic researches and modern genetic engineering biotechnologies in the Republic of Belarus for their use in agriculture and medicine. It has been concluded that at present, the issues are still urgent as before: whether the genetic engineering л. developments are needed, how dangerous are they, or on the contrary - safe for all living things. At this stage genetically modified organisms, are the thing of future, as they are economically sound and are of л high quality. The participants have also discussed the new in medical studentsТ,, education. The exciting theme of using animals in education has been, touched upon. Perhaps, it is easier to study all medical processes using л modern computer developments Opinions on this question differed., However the majority of the meeting agreed that it was not possible to train a veterinary without using animals., The participants have concluded that biotechnology has a great future ahead. The society is concerned about the prompt introduction, and effective use of achievements of the scientific and technical progress. The role of mass-media in this process is difficult to overestimate. Unfortunately, a significant part of the printed editions,, many TV journalists are in an unseemly position in relation to genetic л , engineering. The population is flooded by the doubtful, distorted information, the unscientific and ignorant inventions aiming to develop, л by all means peopleТs negative altitude towards modern biotechnology.... , -Such activity runs counter the interests of the state, simple citizens.
That is why it is very important for a journalist to present reliable, information and feel responsibility for each said or written word. , - Republic of Belarus has certain achievements in the field of biosafety,,, as well as in creation of adequate appreciation by the population of, the modern biotechnology achievements.,,,, л, -, л л - , л,. л ,, л,, л, л л , л, л л , л - ,, л ,, л ,,,,,, л, л-, л ,, л ( л ), -,,, Mindaleva Inga Ivanovna, Journalist of Zvyazda Newspaper List of Participants of the International Seminar for Oreshko Tatyana Victorovna, Press Secretary of National Academy Mass Media of Sciences of Belarus, Editor-in-Chief of Vedy Newspaper Science and Knowledge-Intensive Technologies of the Osipov Maksim Vladimirovich, Head of Analytical Department of 21st century.
Second National Channel CJSC Role of Mass Media in Promotion of New IdeasФ Patyko Dmitry Anatolievich, Observer of the Respublic Newspaper (June 26Ц27, 2007, City of Minsk) Prikhodko Victor Aleksandrovich, Deputy Editor-in-Chief of Main Editorial Office of BELTA Unitary Enterprise The Republic of Belarus Sergeev Nikolay Maksimovich, Observer of УBelorusskaya NivaФ Newspaper Aksenova Ekaterina Sergeevna, Deputy Director of International Sokolov Sergey Aleksandrovich, Key Specialist for High-End Center of Integration Information. Public Press-center of the House of Technologies of Eskadel Foreign Limited Liability Company Press. Republican Unitary Enterprise Slyadneva Natalia Evgenievna, Chief Editor of Ecologist and Me Bazylev Sergey Evgenievich, Dean of Zooengineering Department of Newspaper and the World of Animals Journal Vitebsk State Academy of Veterinary Medicine Educational Institution Suturin Anatoly Konstantinovich, Deputy Director for Scientific of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Belarus, Work of the Belarusian Institute of System Analysis and Information Candidate of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor Support for Scientific and Technical Sphere, State Institution, Bibikov Vladimir Yakovlevich, Head of Letter Division of the Candidate of Technical Sciences.
Soviet Byelorussia Newspaper Chervinskiy Vyacheslav Leonidovich, Associate Professor of Energy Gurmanchuk Irina Evgenievna, Head of Science Department of the Conservation and Renewable Energy Sources UNESCO Department of Ministry of Healthcare of the Republic of Belarus the Belarusian National Technical University, Candidate of Technics Dergach Irina Fedorovna, Editor of Educational Department of Shablyuk Aleksandr Grigorievich, Photojournalist of Narodnaya Narodnaya Gazeta Newspaper Gazeta Newspaper Dobriyanik Svetlana Dmitrievna, First Category Editor of Work Yaroshevich Stanislav Petrovich, Associate Professor of the Management Department of temporary working group of Coordinated Department of systemic anatomy of the Belarusian State Medical Directorate of Belarusian Radio Belteleradiocompania University, Candidate of Medical Sciences Ermishin Aleksandr Petrovich, Laboratory Manager of the Institute Yaskevich Yadviga Stanislavovna, Director of the Institute of of Genetics and Cytology State Scientific Institution of the National Social and Humanitarian Education of the Belarusian State Economic Academy of Science of Belarus, Doctor of Biological Sciences University, Doctor of Philosophy, Professor Kabanov Vladimir Victorovich, Director of the Institute of Physics Yatzkevich Konstantin Vladimirovich, Director of Doverie named after B.I.Stepanov State Scientific Institution of the National Republican Public Association Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences The Russian Federation Kilchevsky Aleksandr Vladimirovich, Director of the Institute of Genetics and Cytology State Scientific Institution of the National Bushuev Sergey Vladimirovich, Head of ITAR-TASS News Agency Academy of Sciences of Belarus, corresponding member of the Department for Communication with Foreign Information Structures National Academy of Science of Belarus, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Zimina Tatyana Yurievna, Editor of news department of Science Professor and Life Independent noncommercial organization, Candidate of Krasovskaya Elena Ivanovna, Executive Secretary of National Chemical Science Commission of the Republic of Belarus for UNESCO Kuznetzova Olga Borisovna, Correspondent of Lad Newspaper Krishtapovich Lev Evstafievich, Deputy Director of Scientific(Supplement to Literaturnaya gazeta) research Institute of Theory and Practice of the State Management Melnik Galina Sergeevna, Professor of the Department of Modern of Academy of Management under the President of the Republic of Periodicals of the Faculty of Journalism of the St.-Petersburg State Belarus, Doctor of Philosophy, Professor University, Doctor of Political Sciences Samokhin Andrey Evgenievich, Special Correspondent of Technics for Youth magazine, the creator of Technodrom named after Kulibin broadcast on the Gosteleradio USSR channel Trochimuk Elena, correspondent of TV Broadcasting Company of the Union State Shandrovskiy Lev Aleksandrovich, Special Correspondent of Main Office of Broadcasting in the CIS countries and the Baltic states of Golos Rossii Federal State Institution Russian State Broadcasting Company МЕЖДУНАРОДНЫЙ СЕМИНАР ДЛЯ СРЕДСТВ МАССОВОЙ ИНФОРМАЦИИ НАУКА И НАУКОЕМКИЕ ТЕХНОЛОГИИ XXI ВЕКА.
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