РОЛЬ СМИ В ПРОДВИЖЕНИИ НОВЫХ ИДЕЙ 26Ц27 июня 2007 г., г. Минск UNESCO Office in Moscow for Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, the Republic of Moldova and the Russian Federation International Center of Integration Information.
THE ROLE OF MASS MEDIA IN THE PROMOTION OF NEW IDEAS June 26Ц27, 2007, Minsk РУП Международный центр интеграционной информации.
Общественный пресс-центр Дома прессы Минск, 2007 Издание подготовлено по заказу СОДЕРЖАНИЕ Бюро ЮНЕСКО в Москве по Азербайджану, Армении,........................7 Беларуси, Республике Молдова и Российской Федерации в рамках проекта 876686.7...................... 11 : л XXI :
Published to the order. of the UNESCO Office in Moscow for Armenia, Azerbaijan,....
Belarus, the Republic of Moldova and the Russian Federation...................... 19 under UNESCO project 876686.7................................. 24............................................ 28 Издано при финансовой поддержке Бюро ЮНЕСКО в Москве.
... Сведения и материалы, изложенные в данной публикации. не - обязательно отражают точку зрения ЮНЕСКО.
............................ 32 За представленную информацию несут ответственность авторы.
... - : л ......................................... Published with the financial support of the UNESCO Moscow Office.
: л XXI : The authors are responsible for the choice and the presentation of the facts contained in this publication and for the opinions expressed...,............. therein, which are not necessarily those UNESCO and do not com... mit the Organization...................................................................... : л.
й.,... й. -.
л -........... - ,... CONTENTS................................. Resolution of the International Seminar............................................................ Program of the International Seminar........................ : л Topical session: 21st Century Science: New Philosophic View on the World. The Role of Mass Media... XXI :
L. E. Krishtapovich. New philosophical world view.
........................... Role of Mass-Media in Promotion of New Ideas................... :
T. V. Oreshko. Information Support of Innovation Activity........................................ G. S. Melnik. Science and Mock-science in the... Interpretation of Russian Mass Media................................ A. K. Suturin. The Problems of Popularization... of Scientific and Technical Achievements and Innovation................... in Electronic Mass Media and Internet............................................ T. Y. Zimina. Role of an Internet-version of the Edition in Promotion of Scientific Developments: experience : л of Nauka i Zhizn (Life and Science).......................... Topical session: 21st century World: Discoveries... at the Interface of Sciences......... V. V. Kabanov. On a Borderline of Ideas, at the Turn... of the Century........................................................... V. L. Chervinskiy. Energy Conservation as Regular....................................... Evolution Factor................................................................................ I. E. Gurmanchuk. Modern Technologies in Healthcare.......... Topical session: Modern Knowledge-Intensive Technologies.
Creation of Belarusian High Technologies Park A. E. Samokhin. Will the Innovation Revolution Take Place in the Post-Soviet Territory or Not The Role of Mass Media in the Movement towards Innovation Economics............... S. A. Sokolov. The Role of Offshore Software Engineering in the Creation of Modern High-Tech Soft ware................ РЕЗОЛЮЦИЯ международного семинара M. V. Osipov. Role of the ONT TV-channel для средств массовой информации in Popularization of Modern Technologies..................... Наука и наукоемкие технологии XXI века.
Topical session: Problems of Bioethics in Mass Media Роль СМИ в продвижении новых идей Y. S. Yaskevich. Bioethics in the Context of Science л and High Technologies of the XXI Century:
XXI. , Humanistic and Interdisciplinary Strategy...................,,, -,,, E. I. Krasovskaya. Bioethics in the Republic of Belarus:
, problems and prospects...................................., -, S. P. Yaroshevich. The Role of Mass Media in Formulating of Public Assessment of Biomedical Ethics Probes.............., A. P. Ermishin. Ethical Aspects of Use ;
of Achievements of Modern Biotechnology...................,,, N. E. Slyadneva. Problems of Bioethics in Mass-Media.........,, Topical session: Genetic Engineering as Perspective, Branch in the New Century Science A. V. Kilchevskiy. Genetic Engineering as a Promising ;
Trend in the Science of the New Age........................, S. E. Bazylev. Genetically Modified Organisms,, and Perspectives of Their Use..............................., Discussion Summa....................................... -, List of Participants of the International Seminar............. ;
,,,,,,,,, RESOLUTION ;
, - of the International Seminar for Mass Media Science and Knowledge-Intensive Technologies of the XXI century.
, The Role of Mass Media in the Promotion of New Ideas, ;
The participants of the international seminar Science and. Knowledge-Intensive Technologies of the XXI century. The Role of Mass Media in the Promotion of New Ideas, realizing, that the new century has without doubt became the time of deep social, economic, ;
political, technological and cultural transformation, which have, affected all the aspects of human life, and that modern civilization goes through the stage of rapid scientific and technological progress,, observe the renewed comprehension of the role of scientific research in the formation of modern society from the point of view of soul searching, the vector of which is directed to the effective use of the ;
available intellectual resources;
note that questions of worldview, philosophical nature are taking, on special significance in the modern world, dominated by science, ;
whereas the answers to the said questions shall determine the optimal patterns of social and political life, that in turn should promote,, successful adaptation of the modern science results by the society and contribute to its qualitative improvement and advance on the way of.
the good and justice;
express their belief that information on scientific results of domestic and foreign scientists, being correctly and timely presented, shall undoubtedly impact the formation of the scientific world view in the society. Competent information support of scientific and innovation activities is of fundamental significance in terms of establishment of the positive image of science, when the innovative way has been selected as the principal direction of the social and economic development of the state;
point out the necessity of active use of the mass media potential for informing about directions and results of research-and-development activities conducted by scientists and for popularization of domestic and world scientific achievements;
believe that mass media should act not only as a knowledge popularizer, but also as a tool, which helps to stimulate the public interest for the subject of scientific work as a constructive process and motivate the youth to creative self-actualization in the field of science;
realize that a great responsibility lies with the journalistic community for coverage of purposes, objectives and destination of such a socially significant science as bioethics, the scope of which comprises ethic and legal challenges of enhancement of patients rights, л XXI.
human cloning, transplantation, euthanasia, development of new reproduction technologies, human gene manipulation and conducting of scientific research;
(26Ц27 2007.,. ) express an opinion that respectful and pro-active cooperation between press and science shall allow the society and state authorities to develop attitude in the field of biotechnology, to contribute to 26 () form the reasonable policies of conducting of scientific research and influence the legislative policy elaboration, education of the general public in the field of bioethics;
take note of the significant ole the journalistsТ role in the introducing, of the scientific problems to the society. Information, only in case it is correctly and timely presented, is an indispensable condition for, generation of objective opinion in ambiguous from a moral point of л. view situations;
- address a request to the seminar organizers for holding of similar events on regular basis, at least biennially;
believe that it is expedient to consider the issue of creation : л XXI :
of Interstate Council on information policy in the field of science. and technology for the purpose of successful promotion of modern scientific knowledge by means of mass media as well as for elaboration -:, of joint forms of cooperation;
express their gratitude to the Ministry of Information of the Republic of Belarus, UNESCO Office in Moscow, National Commission,, of the Republic of Belarus for UNESCO for organization of discussion. on the actual problem of the mass media role in the promotion of new ideas.
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л , л The program of International seminar for mass media Science and Knowledge-Intensive Technologies of the,, 21st Century.
The role of Mass Media in the Promotion of New Ideas, л (June 26Ц27, 2007, Minsk) June 26 (Tuesday) The seminar opening Krasovskaya Elena Ivanovna, Executive Secretary of National Commission of the Republic of Belarus for UNESCO Aksenova Ekaterina Sergeevna, Deputy Director of International Center of Integration Information. Public Press-center of the House of Press RUE Topical session: 21st Century Science: New Philosophic View on the World. The Role of Mass Media Moderator Speaker:
Krishtapovich Lev Evstafievich, Deputy Director of Scientificresearch Institute of Theory and Practice of the State Management of Academy of Management under the President of the Republic of Belarus, Doctor of Philosophical Sciences, Professor New philosophical world view. Role of Mass-Media in Promotion of New Ideas Speeches:
Oreshko Tatiana Viktorovna, press-secretary of the National Academy of Science of Belarus, editor-in-chief of Vedy newspaper Information Support of Innovation Activity Melnik Galina Sergeevna, Professor of the Department of Modern Periodicals of the Faculty of Journalism of the St.-Petersburg State University, Doctor of Political Sciences Science and Mock-science in the Interpretation of Russian Mass Media Presentation Hot Issues of Science and Journalism Suturin Anatoliy Konstantinovich, Deputy Director for Scientific Work of the Belarusian Institute of System Analysis and Information Support for Scientific and Technical Sphere, State Institution, Candidate of Technical Sciences.
The Problems of Popularization of Scientific and Technical Osipov Maksim Vladimirovich, Head of Analytical Department of Achievements and Innovation in Electronic Mass Media and Second National Channel CJSC Internet Role of the ONT TV-channel in Popularization of Modern Zimina Tatiana Yurievna, Editor of news department of Science Technologies and Life Independent noncommercial organization, Candidate of Chemical Sciences June 27 (Wednesday) Role of an Internet-version of the Edition in Promotion of Scientific Developments: experience of Nauka i Zhizn (Life and Science) Topical session: Problems of Bioethics in Mass Media Topical session: 21st century World: Discoveries at the Speaker: Yaskevich Yadviga Stanislavovna, Director of the Interface of Sciences Institute of Social and Humanitarian Education of the Belarusian State Economic University, Doctor of Philosophical Sciences, Speaker: Kabanov Vladimir Viktorovich, Director of the Institute Professor of Physics named after B.I. Stepanov State Scientific Institution Bioethics in the Context of Science and High Technologies of the of the National Academy of Science of Belarus, Doctor of Physical XXI Century: Humanistic and Interdisciplinary Strategy and Mathematical Sciences Moderator: Krasovskaya Elena Ivanovna, Executive Secretary of On a Borderline of Ideas, at the Turn of the Century National Commission of the Republic of Belarus for UNESCO Speeches:
Bioethics in the Republic of Belarus: problems and prospects Chervinskiy Vyacheslav Leonidovich, Associate Professor of Energy Speeches:
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