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Moscow State Academy of Fine Chemical Technology named after M. V. Lomonosov, 117571
Heavy water and adaptation
The physiological adaptation process of various bacterial producents of amino acids, proteins and nucleosides belonging to various taxsonomic groups of microorganisms (facultative and obligate methylotrophic bacteria - Brevibacterium methylicum and Methylobacills flagellatum, halophilic bacterium - Halobacterium halobium and bacills - Bacillus subtilis) to growth and biosynthesis of necessary compounds on media containing the maximum concentration of heavy water is investigated. In article is informed on a method, which consists in multistep adaptation of bacteria to deuterium with the folowing selection of individual colonies grown on heavy water. In the result of application of the given approach among the studied bacteria were selected the individual strains keeping high growth and biosynthetic abilities while growing on heavy water. Data on growth and adaptation of studied bacterial strains on selective growth media, both minimum, and complex media, containing as a source of deuterium heavy water/(2H)methanоl and (2H)biomass of methylotrophic bacteria B. methylicum, received during multistep adaptation to heavy water are submitted.
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