The conference is traditionally devoted to discussion of current research and applications regarding three basic directions of intelligent systems development: knowledge processing, natural language interface, and decision making.
Edited by:
Association of Developers and Users of Intelligent Systems, Ukraine Institute of Information Theories and Applications FOI ITHEA, Bulgaria Printed in Bulgaria by FOI ITHEA Sofia-1090, P.O.Box 775, Bulgaria e-mail: foi@nlcv.net www.foibg.com All Rights Reserved й 2006 Viktor P. Gladun, Krassimir K. Markov, Alexander F. Voloshin, Krassimira M. Ivanova - Editors й 2006 Krassimira Ivanova - Technical editor й 2006 Association of Developers and Users of Intelligent Systems, Ukraine - Co-edition й 2006 Institute of Information Theories and Applications FOI ITHEA, Bulgaria - Co-edition й 2006 FOI-COMMERCE, Bulgaria - Publisher й 2006 For all authors in the issue ISBN-10: 954-16-0038-7 ISBN-13: 978-954-16-0038-2 C\o Jusautor, Sofia, 2006 XII-th International Conference "Knowledge - Dialogue - Solution" 3 PREFACE The scientific Twelfth International Conference УKnowledge-Dialogue-SolutionФ took place in June, 20-25, 2006 in Varna, Bulgaria. This volume includes the papers presented at the conference. Reports contained in the Proceedings correspond to the scientific trends, which are reflected in the Conference name.
The Conference continues the series of international scientific meetings, which were initiated more than fifteen years ago. It is organized owing to initiative of ADUIS - Association of Developers and Users of Intelligent Systems (Ukraine), Institute of Information Theories and Applications FOI ITHEA, (Bulgaria), and IJ ITA - International Journal on Information Theories and Applications, which have long-term experience of collaboration.
Now we can affirm that the international conferences УKnowledge-Dialogue-SolutionФ in a great degree contributed to preservation and development of the scientific potential in the East Europe.
The conference is traditionally devoted to discussion of current research and applications regarding three basic directions of intelligent systems development: knowledge processing, natural language interface, and decision making.
The basic approach, which characterizes presented investigations, consists in the preferential use of logical and linguistic models. This is one of the main approaches uniting investigations in Artificial Intelligence.
KDS 2006 topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
Cognitive Modelling Knowledge Engineering Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery Logical Inference Decision Making Machine Learning Informatization of Scientific Research Multi-agent Structures and Systems Intelligent NL Text Processing Neural and Growing Networks Intelligent Robots Philosophy and Methodology of Informatics Intelligent Technologies in Control and Design Planning and Scheduling Knowledge-based Society Problems of Computer Intellectualization The organization of the papers in KDS-2006 is based on specialized sessions. They are:
1. Philosophy and Methodology of Informatics 2. Neural and Growing Networks 3. Ontologies 4. Decision Making 5. Mathematical Foundations of AI 6. Intelligent Systems 7. AI and Education The official languages of the Conference are Russian and English.
The Program Committee recommends some of the accepted papers for free publishing in English in the International Journal on Information Theories and Applications (IJ ITA).
The Conference is sponsored by FOI Bulgaria (www.foibg.com).
We appreciate the contribution of the members of the KDS 2006 Program Committee.
On behalf of all the conference participants we would like to express our sincere thanks to everybody who helped to make conference success and especially to Kr.Ivanova, I.Mitov, L. Svyatogor, N.Fesenko and V.Velichko.
V.P. Gladun, A.F. Voloshin, Kr.K. Markov 4 XII-th International Conference "Knowledge - Dialogue - Solution" CONFERENCE ORGANIZERS National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine Association of Developers and Users of Intelligent Systems (Ukraine) International Journal УInformation Theories and ApplicationsФ V.M.Glushkov Institute of Cybernetics of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine Institute of Information Theories and Applications FOI ITHEA (Bulgaria) Institute of Mathematics and Informatics, BAS (Bulgaria) Institute of Mathematics of SD RAN (Russia) PROGRAM COMMITTEE Victor Gladun (Ukraine) Alexey Voloshin (Ukraine) Krassimir Markov (Bulgaria) Igor Arefiev (Russia) Genady Osipov (Russia) Frank Brown (USA) Alexander Palagin (Ukraine) Vladimir Donskoy (Ukraine) Vladimir Pasechnik (Ukraine) Alexander Eremeev (Russia) Zinoviy Rabinovich (Ukraine) Natalia Filatova (Russia) Alexander Reznik (Ukraine) Constantine Gaindric (Moldova) Vladimir Ryazanov (Russia) Tatyana Gavrilova (Russia) Galina Rybina (Russia) Krassimira Ivanova (Bulgaria) Vasil Sgurev (Bulgaria) Vladimir Jotsov (Bulgaria) Vladislav Shelepov (Ukraine) Julia Kapitonova (Ukraine) Anatoly Shevchenko (Ukraine) Vladimir Khoroshevsky (Russia) Ekaterina Solovyova (Ukraine) Rumyana Kirkova (Bulgaria) Vadim Stefanuk (Russia) Nadezhda Kiselyova (Russia) Tatyana Taran (Ukraine) Alexander Kleshchev (Russia) Valery Tarasov (Russia) Valery Koval Adil Timofeev (Russia) Oleg Kuznetsov (Russia) Vadim Vagin (Russia) Vladimir Lovitskii (GB) Jury Valkman (Ukraine) Vitaliy Lozovskiy (Ukraine) Neonila Vashchenko (Ukraine) Nadezhda Mishchenko (Ukraine) Stanislav Wrycza (Poland) Ilia Mitov (Bulgaria) Nikolay Zagoruiko (Russia) Xenia Naidenova (Russia) Jury Zaichenko (Ukraine) Olga Nevzorova (Russia) Arkady Zakrevskij (Belarus) XII-th International Conference "Knowledge - Dialogue - Solution" TABLE OF CONTENTS Preface..........................................................................................................................................................Table of Contents..........................................................................................................................................Index of Authors............................................................................................................................................Philosophy and Methodology of Informatics Сознание, подсознание и эмоции, душа и KDS Зиновий Л. Рабинович, Юрий А. Белов...................................................................................................Basic Structure of the General Information Theory Krassimir Markov, Krassimira Ivanova, Ilia Mitov........................................................................................Neural and Growing Networks Проблемы атрибутивного анализа динамических объектов, представленных временными рядами Александр Андреев, Виталий Величко, Виктор Гладун, Юрий Иваськив, Сергей Чеботарь..........Структурный анализ контуров как последовательностей отрезков цифровых прямых и дуг цифровых кривых Владимир Калмыков..................................................................................................................................Технологии компрессии графической информации Николай Б. Фесенко..................................................................................................................................Neural Knowledge Discovery in Distributed Databases by Internet Adil Timofeev, Pavel Azaletsky....................................................................................................................Neural Network Based Optimal Control with Constraints Daniela Toshkova, Georgi Toshkov, Todorka Kovacheva..........................................................................Generalizing of Neural Nets: Functional Nets of Special Type Volodymyr Donchenko, Mykola Kirichenko, Yuriy Krivonos........................................................................Сравнительный анализ нечетких нейронных сетей с различными алгоритмами вывода в задачах прогнозирования курсов акций Юрий Зайченко, Юрий Келестин, Севаее Фатма.................................................................................Recurrent Learning Algorithm for Double-Wavelet Neuron Yevgeniy Bodyanskiy, Nataliya Lamonova, Olena Vynokurova..................................................................Growing Neural Networks Based on Orthogonal Activation Functions Yevgeniy Bodyanskiy, Irina Pliss, Oleksandr Slipchenko............................................................................Distributed Representations in>Pages: | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | ... | 82 |
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