It is also the case that GAs are often associated with the notion of creativity and transformation. In this respect it is worth noting MayoТs invocation of ShaullТs foreword to FriereТs Pedagogy of the Oppressed, in which he draws attention to two diametrically opposed positions on education:Education either functions as an instrument that is used to facilitate the integration of the younger generation into the logic of the present system and bring about conformity to it, or it becomes the Сpractice of freedom,Т the means by which men and women deal critically and creatively with reality and discover how to participate in the transformation of their world.Although for some this polarization may seem heavily ideological, it can be argued that a vision of higher education as not only contributing to the James Moir sharing of values but also the shaping of them is a desirable goal related to the notion of GAs. For a university education to be fit for purpose in a globalizing world then students need Сa set of values that transform them, both now and in the future.ТThis chimes with the recent focus on identity within higher education.30 In other words, there is a concern with how the personal aspect of being a student in higher education is related to GAs in a more engaged and transformational sense. It is also interesting that recent work points to the challenges of teaching and learning within the contradictions of increasing specialization but also at the same time transdisciplinary contexts.31 This raises the issue of the local-global dimension and how we can begin to encourage students to consider themselves and their relationship to their studies within this much broader context.
5. Conclusion Whether or not higher education can free itself from the relentless drive towards the marketization of knowledge remains to be seen. I would like to be hopeful but this may be more to do with wishful thinking than a realist assessment. The notion that university academics should consider themselves as Сtransformative intellectualsТ is one that has an appeals to many in terms of their pedagogic practice and yet they are caught up in a bureaucratic audit-driven system both in terms of their teaching and research.
However, there are signs that the spirit of the democratic intellect may indeed be something that can be cultivated, not in terms of knowledge as a means of social differentiation in terms of graduate attributes or employability, but rather in terms of a recognition that there is a strong cultural dimension to higher education in which knowledge is set within its social and political context. Perhaps the current economic situation may prompt some rethinking about how universities structure their curricula and how they engage with their students.
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B R Clark, Creating Entrepreneurial Universities, Pergamon Press, Oxford, 1998; H Etzkowitz, A Webster, C Gebhardt & B Terra, СThe Future of University and the University of the Future: Evolution of Ivory Tower to Entrepreneurial ParadigmТ. Research Policy, 2000, vol. 29 (2), pp. 313-330.
S Slaughter & L L Leslie, Academic Capitalism: Politics, Policies, and the Entrepreneurial University, Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, 1997; M Henkel, СCan Academic Autonomy Survive in the Knowledge Society A Perspective from BritainТ. Higher Education Research & Development, 2007, vol. 26 (1), pp. 87-99.
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