However, in Type II structures it is extremely difficult to reach integration.28 Effective co-evolution of communication, knowledge fields, and emotional energy becomes a real challenge and, if coordination and integration are poor, performance of the knowledge creating system would be lower than that of distributed knowledge creation. The ways of combining spatial distance of actors with high levels of integration are yet to be investigated.
As we have shown, all four types of intellectual network structures have their pros and cons and should be involved in knowledge-creation process as a whole where they would interchange each other, appearing and disappearing with high speed. This co-dependence may lead to the structural coupling of autonomous knowledge fields in which communication networks are embedded. Intellectual network would then be constituted by the coherent interplay of knowledge fields through continuous micro-level knowledge creation rituals which would bring to co-evolution the whole of heterogeneous knowledge and individualsТ emotional energy. Rare loosely integrated parts would then alternate with dense parts of high integration.
Channels of communication and energy exchange would be formed and sustained in frequent face-to-face knowledge creation rituals (ad hoc Type I structures), but so that the interaction could be performed again and again by using new information technologies to maintain the feeling of unity (Type II structures). New links would be built, predominantly in Type III structures.
This is the way for a knowledge-creating system to function sustainably in integrating heterogeneous knowledge of contemporary societies.
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