Книги по разным темам Pages:     | 1 | 2 |

123. Roumasset, J.A. Rise and Risk: Decision Making Among Low-Income Farmers / J.A. Roumasset. - Amsterdam: North-Holland, 1976. - 251 p.

124. Shumpeter J. Business Cycles: A Theoretical, Historical and Statistical Analysis of the Capitalist Process. - N.Y. - L., 1939.

125. Snooks G. D. Economics Without Time. - Cambridge, 1993.

126. Solomou S. Phases of Economic Growth. - Cambridge, 1990.

127. Stoken R. The Great Cycle. Predicting and Profiting from Crowd Behavior, The Kondratieff Wave and Long-Term Cycles. - Chicago-Cambridge 1993.

128. Toffler A. The Third Wave. - Toronto, 1987.

129. Tylecote A. The Long Wave in the World Economy: the Present Crisis in Historical Perspective. - London. 1993.

130. Vaughan E.J. Fundamentals Risk and Insurance / E.J. Vaughan - 4th Ed. - New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1986. - 723 p.

131. Weidlich W. Stability and Cyclicity in Social Systems / Behavioral Sci. - 1988. - V.33. - P.241-256.

132. Wi11iams, С.A. Risk Management and Insurance / C.A. Williams, R.M. Heins. - 5th Ed. - New York: McGraw-Hill Book Co., 1985. - 755 p.

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