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The public interest test for alternative service delivery options The Public Interest Test (PIT)129 has been developed to identify:
Х the key policy issues that should be addressed at the various stages of the ASD process;
Х the key horizontal program and policy issues that should be consid ered when determining whether an ASD initiative is in the public interest; and Х the areas for which ASD proponents should develop results com mitments that will form the basis on which ASD initiatives will be monitored and evaluated.
The Public Interest Test is not a series of Yes or No questions. The overarching issue for decision makers, implementers and assessors of ASD initiatives is whether a proposed initiative in alternative service de livery is and remains in the public interest. By addressing the Public In terest Test questions the proponents will be able to determine whether their initiative will be in the public interest.
The Public Interest Test questions are used as a basis for making the Case Analysis for the ASD initiative. The Case Analysis sets out results commitments across a broad range of public policy requirements. The initiative will be assessed against these commitments, which will also be publicly reported.
Adapted from Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat. Policy on Alternative Service De livery. See sct.gc.ca/pubs_pol/opepubls_B4asd dmps1_e.asp The Public Interest Test Questions The following are key issues in determining whether ASD initiatives are in the public interest.
Governance Х Does the new arrangement provide an appropriate decision making role for ministers Х Does the relationship with the proponent ensure appropriate links between policy and operations Х Are the arrangements appropriate for reporting results and other relevant performance information to ministers, Parliament, and citi zens Х Does the arrangement represent an appropriate balance between the flexibility required for high organizational performance and sound governance Official Language Requirements Х Have appropriate provisions been made for respecting the govern mentТs official languages.
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