L. Anisimova A review of economic legislation: April of In April, there were introduced the following changes in the legislation currently in force: there was adopted the federal law УOn the consumer goods basket in the Russian Federation at large,Ф on the basis of evaluation of this basket there is determined the subsistence level; the RF Government established the procedure governing the management of the Stabilization Fund financial resources; there were approved the Rules governing the payment of preliminary compensations (compensations) for deposits in the RF Sberbank and at organizations of state insurance to selected categories of citizens of the Russian Federation in year 2006; there were approved the forms of documents pertaining to the registration of not-for-profit organizations, procedures governing amendment thereof and presentation of other relevant data, operating reports; the Tax Service brought to the notice of all concerned parties the data used for the calculation of the mineral extraction tax rate with respect to oil in March of 2006.
I. FEDERAL LAWS of the Russian Federation 1. УON THE CONSUMER GOODS BASKET IN THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION AT LARGEФ No. FZ of March 31, This law enters into force on the day of its promulgation.
This federal law was adopted on the basis of federal law No. 134 FZ of October 24, 1997, УOn the subsistence level in the Russian Federation,Ф in accordance with which the subsistence level was determined on the basis of costs estimates of the consumer goods basket reviewed not more seldom than once in 5 years, as well as in connection to the expiration of validity of federal law No. 201 FZ of November 20, 1999, УOn the consumer goods basket in the Russian Federation at large.Ф The law determined the composition and volumes (in in-kind indicators) of the consumer goods basket for major social and demographical groups of the population (able bodied population, pensioners, and children). In particular, there was increased the nutritional and biological value of the consumer goods basket at the expense of an increase in the volumes of consumption of meat products, fish, milk, fruit and vegetables in comparison to the standards previously in force, as well as at the expense of lowering of consumption standards pertaining to bread products and potatoes. The minimal set of non-food products included in the consumer goods basket was retained at the previous consumption levels. Cultural services were included in the minimal set of services as a separate entry.
This document concerns the legal relations originating since January 1, 2005.
II. RESOLUTIONS OF THE GOVERNMENT of the Russian Federation 1. УON THE PROCEDURE GOVERNING THE MANAGEMENT OF THE STABILIZATION FUND FINANCIAL RESOURCESФ No. 229 of April 21, In accordance with article 96.4 of the RF Budget Code, there was established the procedure governing the management of the Stabilization Fund financial resources. It was determined that the management of the Stabilization Fund financial resources should be performed by the Finance Ministry of the Russian Federation:
- by the way of purchase of foreign exchange denominated in the US dollars, Euro, and British pounds at the expense of financial resources of the Stabilization Fund and the placement thereof on banking accounts denominated in the permitted foreign exchange with the RF Central Bank;
- by the way of purchase of debt securities issued by foreign states permitted to be used for the placement of financial resources of the RF Stabilization Fund.
There was approved the list of requirements pertaining to debt securities issued by foreign states permitted to be used for the placement of financial resources of the RF Stabilization Fund.
There was revoked Resolution of the RF Government No. 508 of September 30, 2004, УOn the procedure governing the management of the Stabilization Fund financial resources.Ф 2. УON THE PAYMENT OF PRELIMINARY COMPENSATIONS (COMPENSATIONS) FOR DEPOSITS IN THE RF SBEREGATELNY BANK TO SELECTED CATEGORIES OF CITIZENS OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION IN YEAR 2006Ф The Resolution approved the Rules governing the payment of preliminary compensations (compensations) for deposits in the RF Sberbank defined as guaranteed savings in accordance with federal law No. 73 FZ of May 10, 2005, УOn the restoration and protection of savings of citizens of the Russian Federation.Ф Preliminary compensations amounting to Rub. 1 thousand should be paid to the citizens born earlier or in 1953, physically handicapped persons of the 2nd group, as well as parents, whose sons had been at the military services as conscripts and were killed in action or died in the period of service in the peace time. First order heirs included in the said categories of citizens should be paid preliminary compensations of deposits notwithstanding the ages of the deceased owners of deposits. The amount of compensation should depend on the term of the deposit and be determined taking into account the coefficients indicated in these Rules.
3. УON THE PAYMENT OF PRELIMINARY COMPENSATIONS (COMPENSATIONS) FOR DEPOSITS (CONTRIBUTIONS) AT THE ORGANIZATIONS OF STATE INSURANCE (THE OPEN JOINT STOCK COMPANY УROSSIYSKAYA GOSUDARSTVENNAYA STRAKHOVAYA KOMPANIYAФ AND SOCIETIES OF THE ROSGOSSTRAKH SYSTEM)Ф No. 193 of April 3, The Resolution approves the Rules governing the payment of preliminary compensations (compensations) for deposits (contributions) at the organizations of state insurance (the open joint stock company Rossiyskaya Gosudarstvennaya Strakhovaya KompaniyaФ and societies of the УRosgosstrakhФ system), defined as guaranteed savings in accordance with federal law No. 73 FZ of May 10, 2005, УOn the restoration and protection of savings of citizens of the Russian Federation.Ф The Resolution established that general preliminary compensations for deposits (contributions) should amount to Rub. 1 thousand; however, in the case the total amount of such deposit (contribution) was at or below the said amount as on January 1, 1992, compensation should amount to the size of such deposits. The Resolution indicates the list of coefficients to be used in the course of calculation of payments in special cases. It was envisaged that the financing of expenditures relating to the payment of compensations should be within the respective funds allocated to the Federal Treasury in accordance with the consolidated budget estimates of the federal budget for year 2006 for the said purposes.
212 of April 15, In accordance with the amendments made by federal law No. 18 FZ of January 10, 2006, УOn amendments to selected legislative acts of the Russian FederationФ in federal laws No. 82 FZ of May 19, 1995, УOn public associationsФ and No. 7 FZ of January 12, 1996, УOn not-for-profit organizations,Ф the Resolution approved the forms of documents pertaining to the registration of not-for-profit organizations, as well as the list and forms of documents necessary for the introduction of amendments to data on not-for-profit organizations not related to changes in foundation documents. The Resolution also approved the forms of documents not-for-profit organizations should present as reports on their activities, the data on the personal composition of their administrative bodies, the documents containing information pertaining to the amounts of funds and other properties received by not-for-profit organizations and public associations from international and foreign companies, foreign citizens and stateless persons, notifications on the expenditures of funds and utilization of other properties.
The Resolution established the procedures governing the transfer of data about not-for-profit organizations registered prior the date, on which federal law No. 18 FZ of January 10, 2006, entered into force.
There was revoked Resolution of the RF Government No. 422 of June 19, 2002, УOn the procedures governing the interaction between the federal institution of justice and the federal executive authority vested with the state registration of legal persons.Ф III. ORDERS and LETTERS 1. Informational letter of the RF Federal Tax Service No. MM-6-21/411@ of April 18, 2006 УON CALCULATION OF THE MINERAL EXTRACTION TAX RATE IN MARCH OF 2006Ф The letter informs about the data used for the calculation of the mineral extraction tax with respect to oil in March of 2006:
- the average level of Urals oil prices on the Mediterranean and Rotterdam markets (US $ 57.53 per barrel);
- the average value of the US $ exchange rate against the ruble of the Russian Federation as set by the RF Central Bank for all days of the tax period (27.8780);
- value of the Kts coefficient (5,1836);
- tax rate adjusted for the Kts coefficient (Rub. 2171,9284 per metric ton).
I. V. Tolmacheva
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