Professor Murray Sherman Neuroscience Institute University of Chicago 5812 S. Ellis Street, Chicago, IL 12.05.Subject: Full Professor - Neuroscience, ref. 804, issued 4.05.2011, expires 3.07.Dear Prof. Sherman, Herewith I wish to express my disposition to act as Professor and Director of the Neuroscience Institute at the University of Chicago. I am russian scientist-polymath with more than 10 years work experience in fundamental research. My expertise spans a significant number of different areas of knowledge beginning from molecular biology and neurobiology, across natural philosophy, psychoanalysis, linguistics and cultural studies, up to fundamental questions of physics and cosmology. Conceptual thinking, integrative modus operandi and an unique range of mentality belong to my further personal qualities. For supplementary details (biography, publications, referees etc.), please visit this website: Previously, I initiated several projects related to the scope of the announced position. During the ensuing years I want to continue my work on filling the lexical and notional gap between psychoanalysis and molecular neurobiology in order to create an interdisplinary semantic tool that can be utilized by conversion, translation and transmission of the knowledge, terms and perceptions between particular disciplines. Such tool will facilitate interlingual exchange and enhance communication within scientific community as well as contribute to implementation of metascience into political process.
I hope the University of Chicago will be especially disposed to offer beneficial conditions for my creativity. If you will have questions or suggestions concerning my application please do not hesitate to contact me.
Please confirm the admission of my application to selection procedure.
Yours sincerely, Dr. A. Poleev Enzymes ISSN 1867-3317 www.enzymes.at й by Dr. A. Poleev A. Poleev. Transition. Enzymes, 2011.
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Horst Seidler Dean of the Faculty of Life Sciences University of Vienna Althanstrae 1090 Vienna, Austria 12.05.Subject: Full Professor - Anthropology, ref. 20/3-2011, issued 20.04.2011, expires 10.06.Dear Prof. Seidler, Herewith I wish to express my disposition to act as Professor of Anthropology at the University of Vienna. I am russian scientist-polymath with more than 10 years work experience in fundamental research. My expertise spans a significant number of different areas of knowledge beginning from molecular biology and neurobiology, across natural philosophy, psychoanalysis, linguistics and cultural studies, up to fundamental questions of physics and cosmology. Conceptual thinking, integrative modus operandi and an unique range of mentality belong to my further personal qualities. For supplementary details (biography, publications, referees etc.), please visit this website: Previously, I initiated several projects related to the scope of the announced position. During the ensuing years I want to continue my work on filling the lexical and notional gap between psychoanalysis and molecular neurobiology in order to create an interdisplinary semantic tool that can be utilized by conversion, translation and transmission of the knowledge, terms and perceptions between particular disciplines. Such tool will facilitate interlingual exchange and enhance communication within scientific community as well as contribute to implementation of metascience into political process.
I hope the University of Vienna will be especially disposed to offer beneficial conditions for my creativity. If you will have questions or suggestions concerning my application please do not hesitate to contact me.
Please confirm the admission of my application to selection procedure.
Yours sincerely, Dr. A. Poleev Enzymes ISSN 1867-3317 www.enzymes.at й by Dr. A. Poleev A. Poleev. Transition. Enzymes, 2011.
Professor Manuel Antnio Coto de Assuno Rector of the University of Aveiro 3810-193 Aveiro, Portugal 12.05.Subject: Full Professor - Biology, ref. sd18, issued 31.03.2011, expires 29.05.Dear Prof. de Assuno, Herewith I wish to express my disposition to act as Professor and Director of the Biology Department at the University of Aveiro. I am russian scientist-polymath with more than 10 years work experience in fundamental research. My expertise spans a significant number of different areas of knowledge beginning from molecular biology and neurobiology, across natural philosophy, psychoanalysis, linguistics and cultural studies, up to fundamental questions of physics and cosmology. Conceptual thinking, integrative modus operandi and an unique range of mentality belong to my further personal qualities. For supplementary details (biography, publications, referees etc.), please visit this website: Previously, I initiated several projects related to the scope of the announced position. During the ensuing years I want to continue my work on filling the lexical and notional gap between psychoanalysis and molecular neurobiology in order to create an interdisplinary semantic tool that can be utilized by conversion, translation and transmission of the knowledge, terms and perceptions between particular disciplines. Such tool will facilitate interlingual exchange and enhance communication within scientific community as well as contribute to implementation of metascience into political process.
I hope the University of Aveiro will be especially disposed to offer beneficial conditions for my creativity. If you will have questions or suggestions concerning my application please do not hesitate to contact me. Please confirm the admission of my application to selection procedure.
Yours sincerely, Dr. A. Poleev Enzymes ISSN 1867-3317 www.enzymes.at й by Dr. A. Poleev A. Poleev. Transition. Enzymes, 2011.
Navanethem Pillay High Commissioner for Human Rights Palais Wilson 52 rue des Pquis CH-1201 Geneva, Switzerland 13.04.Dear Ms Pillay, according to Article 5 of the Universal declaration of human rights (1948), UN Convention against torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment (1984), Article 3 of the European convention on human rights (1950), European convention for the prevention of torture and inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment (2002), I authorize You to take immediate measures against Germany to prevent torture murder from which I am acute threatened due to cruel treatment I am exposed during last 10 years. This cruel treatment, including sleep deprivation, oxygen deprivation, noise harassment, mobbing, occupational ban and other cruelties, continues until now in spite of my complaints and reports to European court of human rights (ECHR), International criminal court (ICC), European court of justice, Interpol and other european and international organizations (for details, please refer to a compilation available at www.enzymes.at/download/indictments.pdf).
I expect from You to use all means available to stop further torture and to penalize the culprits. The warrants should be issued against german Ministry of justice Sabine Leutheusser-Schnarrenberger, Ministry of health Dr. med. Philipp Rsler, and NRW Ministry of Justice Thomas Kutschaty, who have previously ignored my ultimatum letter.
Dr. A. Poleev german translation Х bersetzung Aufgrund von Artikel 5 der Allgemeiner Erklrung der Menschenrechte (1948), UN Antifolterkonvention (1984), Artikel 3 der Europischen Menschenrechtskonvention (1950), EU Antifolterkonvention (2002), beauftrage ich Sie, die sofortigen Manahmen zu ergreifen, um den Foltermord zu verhindern, von dem ich akut bedroht bin angesichts von grausamen Mihandlungen, denen ich seit Jahren ausgesetzt bin. Diese Enzymes ISSN 1867-3317 www.enzymes.at й by Dr. A. Poleev A. Poleev. Transition. Enzymes, 2011.
Mihandlungen, zu denen Schlafentzug, Sauerstoffmangel, Lrmfolter, Mobbing, Berufsverbot und andere zhlen, werden fortgesetzt trotzt meine Berichte an das Internationalen Strafgericht, an den Europischen Gerichtshof fr Menschenrechte, Europischen Gerichtshof, Interpol und andere europische und internationale Organizationen (eine bersicht befindet sich im Internet unter Adresse download/indictments.pdf).
Ich erwarte, da Sie alle zu Ihrer Verfgung stehende Mittel anwenden, um weitere Grausamkeiten zu unterbinden, sowie die beltter zu bestrafen. Die Strafbefehle sollen gegen Bundesjustizministerin Sabine Leutheusser-Schnarrenberger, Gesundheitsminister Dr. med. Philipp Rsler, und Justizminister NRW Thomas Kutschaty erlassen werden, da sie mein Ultimatum-Schreiben ignorierten.
russian translation Х русский В соответствии со статьёй 5 Универсальной декларации прав человека (1948), Декларации ООН против применения пыток (1984), статьи 3 Европейской декларации прав человека (1950), Европейской декларации против применения пыток (2002), я уполномочиваю Вас принять немедленные меры против Германии с целью предотвращения убийства вследствие жестокого обращения, которому я подвергаюсь на протяжении последних 10 лет. Пытки, в числе которых такие жестокие формы как лишение сна, удушение в связи с нехваткой кислорода, пытка воздействием шума, моббинг, запрет профессиональной деятельности и другие, продолжаются до сегодняшнего дня, несмотря на мои обращения в Европейский суд по правам человека, Международный уголовный суд, Европейский суд, Международную полицию и другие европейские и международные организации (с содержанием можно ознакомиться по адресу ожидаю от Вас использовать все средства для прекращения пыток, а также наказния виновных.
Ордера на арест должны быть выписаны в отношении Министра юстиции Германии Sabine Leutheusser-Schnarrenberger, Министра здравоохранения Philipp Rsler, Министра юстиции NRW Thomas Kutschaty.
Enzymes ISSN 1867-3317 www.enzymes.at й by Dr. A. Poleev A. Poleev. Transition. Enzymes, 2011.
Professor Patrizia dТEttorre Laboratory of Experimental and Comparative Ethology University of Paris 99 avenue J.B. Clment F-93430 Villetaneuse, France 24.03.Subject: Full Professor - Ethology, ref. 69 PR 0157, issued 7.02.2011, expires 9.04.Dear Prof. dТEttorre, Herewith I wish to express my disposition to act as Professor in Laboratory of Experimental and Comparative Ethology. I am russian scientist-polymath with more than 10 years work experience in fundamental research.
My expertise spans a significant number of different areas of knowledge beginning from molecular biology and neurobiology, across natural philosophy, psychoanalysis, linguistics and cultural studies, up to fundamental questions of physics and cosmology. Conceptual thinking, integrative modus operandi and an unique range of mentality belong to my further personal qualities. For supplementary details (biography, publications, referees etc.), please visit this website: Previously, I initiated several projects related to the scope of the announced position. During the ensuing years I want to continue my work on filling the lexical and notional gap between psychoanalysis and molecular neurobiology in order to create an interdisplinary semantic tool that can be utilized by conversion, translation and transmission of the knowledge, terms and perceptions between particular disciplines. Such tool will facilitate interlingual exchange and enhance communication within scientific community as well as contribute to implementation of metascience into political process.
I hope the University of Paris will be especially disposed to offer beneficial conditions for my creativity. If you will have questions or suggestions concerning my application please do not hesitate to contact me. Please confirm the admission of my application to selection procedure.
Yours sincerely, Dr. A. Poleev Enzymes ISSN 1867-3317 www.enzymes.at й by Dr. A. Poleev A. Poleev. Transition. Enzymes, 2011.
Professor William Fowler Chair of Search Committee Northeastern University 249 Meserve Hall Boston, MA 24.03.Subject: Professorship at Northeastern University Dear Prof. Fowler, Herewith I wish to express my disposition to act as Professor & Chair of the Department of History at Northeastern University. I am russian scientist-polymath with more than 10 years work experience in fundamental research. My expertise spans a significant number of different areas of knowledge beginning from molecular biology and neurobiology, across natural philosophy, psychoanalysis, linguistics and cultural studies, up to fundamental questions of physics and cosmology. Conceptual thinking, integrative modus operandi and an unique range of mentality belong to my further personal qualities. For supplementary details (biography, publications, referees etc.), please visit this website: Previously, I initiated several projects related to the scope of the announced position. During the ensuing years I want to continue my work on filling the lexical and notional gap between psychoanalysis and molecular neurobiology in order to create an interdisplinary semantic tool that can be utilized by conversion, translation and transmission of the knowledge, terms and perceptions between particular disciplines. Such tool will facilitate interlingual exchange and enhance communication within scientific community as well as contribute to implementation of metascience into political process.
I hope the Northeastern University will be especially disposed to offer beneficial conditions for my creativity. If you will have questions or suggestions concerning my application please do not hesitate to contact me.
Please confirm the admission of my application to selection procedure.
Yours sincerely, Dr. A. Poleev Enzymes ISSN 1867-3317 www.enzymes.at й by Dr. A. Poleev A. Poleev. Transition. Enzymes, 2011.
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