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Редактор Л.В. Беляков A nonuniform broadening of ground state electron level in guantum dot array V.I. Belyavsky, S.V. Shevtsov Voronezh State Pedagogical University, 394043 Voronezh, Russia
An interrelationship has been considered between the quantum dot shape and size distribution and the electron density of states. It is shown that, in the case of an array of not identical quantum dots, density of states in the vicinity of the ground state level has the form of an asymmetrical peak, the energy and shape of which is determined by certain statistical parameters of the quantum dot array such as an equilibrium radius and the dispersion and asymmetry of quantum size distribution. Established are general relations between the peak shape and the above mentioned parameters.
Физика и техника полупроводников, 2002, том 36, вып.
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