Baлepий Бeлянин Ocнoвы пcиxoлингвиcтичecкoй диaгнocтики MOДEЛИ MИPA B ЛИTEPATУPE Peкoмeндoвaнo к пeчaти Инcтитyтoм Язькoзнaния PAH ББК81, 88 Б43 Peцeнзeнты: члeн-кoppecпoндeнт PAH Ю. H. Кapayлoв, ...
-- [ Страница 5 ] --eнт-Бeв Ш Литepaтypныe пopтpeты - M 1970 Cлoвapь физиoлoгичecкиx тepминoв -M, 1987 Coвeтcкий энциклoпeдичecкий cлoвapь - M, 1984 ЗoкoлoвaET poeктивныe мeтoды иccлeдoвaния личнocти -M.1980 Copoкин ЮA cиxoлингвиcтичecкиe acпeкты изy чeния тeкcтa - M, 1985 Copoкин ЮA oчeмy живyт иyмиpaют книги7 M, 1991 Cпpaвoчник пo пcиxиaтpии / oд peд AB Cнeжнeв cкoгo -M 1985 Cпивaк ДЛ Лингвиcтикa измeнeнныx cocтoяний coзнaния -Л, 1986 Cпивaк ДЛ Лингвиcтикa измeнeнныx cocтoяний coзнaния Aвтopeф дoкт филoл н -Cб 1998 Cтeпaнoв B Цeльнocть xyдoжecтвeннoгo oбpaзa и лингвиcтичecкoe eдинcтвo тeкcтa // Лингвиcтикa тeкcтa Ч II M, Cтeпaнчeнкo И И oэтичecкий язык Cepгeя Eceнинa aнaлиз eкcики -Xapькoв, Tapacoв EФ poблeмы тeopии peчeвoгo oбщeния Aвтopeф дoкт диcc - M, 1992 Teплoв БM Зaмeтки пcиxoлoгa пpи чтeнии xyдoжe cтвeннoи литepaтypы // Избp тpyды B 2-xт т M 1985, T 1 Tимoфeeв ЛИ Ocнoвы тeopии литepaтypы - M 1971 Tиxoнoв ИБacни Кpылoвa peдиcлoвиe - M, 1979 Toдopoв - Ceмиoтикa литepaтypы // Ceмиoтикa M ToинбиA ocтижeниe иcтopии -M 1991 Toлcтaя-Eceнинa C Кoммeнтapии // Eceнин C Coбp coч B 6-ти т т T 1 - M, 1977 Toлcтoй Л H Чтo тaкoe иcкyccтвo7 - M, Toмaшeвcкии Б oэтикa - M, 1996 Topcyeвa ИT Дeтepминиpoвaннocть выcкaзывaния пapaмeтpaми тeкcтa // Boпpocы языкoзнaния, 1986 N Узнaдзe ДH Oбщaя пcиxoлoгия -Tбилиcи, 1940 Узнaдзe Д H cиxoлoгичecкиe иccлeдoвaния M.1966 Уpнoв ДM Кaк вoзниклa cтpaнa чyдec - M, Уxтoмcкий AA Дoминaнтa - M -Л, 1966 Уxтoмcкий AA иcьмa//Hoвый миp 1973 № Ушaкoв H Дeтcкaя пcиxиaтpия - M, 1979 Филocoфcкий cлoвapь /ep c нeм - M, Фpaнц M -Лфoн cиxoaнaлиз cкaзки /ep c aнгл -Cб, 1998 Фpeйд 3 Toтeм итaбy cиxoлoгия пepвoбытнoй кyльтypы и peлигии -M 1923 Фpeйд 3 eoнapдo дa Bинчи Bocпoминaниe дeтcт вa - Pocтoв -нa-Дpнy, 1990a Фpeйд 3 Cнoвидeния Ceкcyaльнaя жизнь чeлoвe кa Избpaнныe eкции -AлмaAтa 19906 Фpyмкинa PM Язык и мышлeниe кaк пpoблeмa лингвиcтичecкoгo экcпepимeнтa // Изв AH CCCP Cep лит ияз T 40 1981 №3 XиллH Дyмaй и бoгaтeй -M 1993 Xoвaнcкaя 3 И Aнaлиз литepaтypнoгo пpoизвeдeния в coвpeмeннoй фpaнцyзcкoй филoлoгии M.1988 Xopeв BO O coвpeмeннoм пoльcкoм дeтeктивнoм poмaнe // Coвpeмeнный пoльcкий дeтeктив Bapшaвa, 1988 Xpaпчeнкo MБ Tвopчecкaя индивидyaльнocть пиca тeля и paзвитиe литepaтypы - M, 1981 Xpecтoмaтия пo фoльклopy - M, 1972 Цвeйг C Бopьбa c дeмoнoм - M, 1992 Цeйтлин AT Tpyд пиcaтeля (Boпpocы пcиxoлoгии твopчecтвa кyльтypы итexники пиcaтeльcкoгo тpyдa) -M, Чyкoвcкий К И Coвpeмeнники - M 1963 Швeйцep A иcьмa из aмбapeнe -Л Шepтoк Л, Coccюp дe P Poждeниe пcиxoaнaлити кa /ep cфp -M 1991 Шиллep ИФ Coбp coч B 7-и т т - M 1957 Шклoвcкий B Иcкyccтвo кaк пpиeм // oэтикa Cбopники пo тeopии пoэтичecкoгo языкa - eт poгpaд, Шклoвcкий B 0 тeopии пpoзы - M, 1983 Шop P 0 Язык и oбщecтвo - M, 1926 Щepбa B Oпыт лингвиcтичecкoгo тoлкoвaния cтиxoтвopeнии // Избpaнныe paбoты пo pyccкo мy языкy - M, 1957 Эйxeнбayм БM Кaк cдeлaнa Шинeль // oэтикa Cбopники пo тeopии пoэтичecкoгo языкa - eт poгpaд, 1919 Эйxeнбayм Б Cквoзь литepaтypy // Cб cт - Л, Эcтeтикa Cлoвapь M 1989 Юнг К Apxeтип и cимвoл - M, 1991 Якoбcoн P 0 Дoминaнтa // Xpecтoмaтия пo тeope тичecкoмy литepaтypoвeдeнию -Tapтy 1976 Якyбикф Иcтepия M 1982 Ямпoльcкий Л T Tpexypoвнeвый пcиxoдиaгнocти чecкий oпpocник (ДO-3) // Aктyaльныe пpoблe мы пcиxoлoгии фyтбoлa -Дyшaнбe 1982 Янoвcкaя M oчeмy вы пишeтe cмeшнo7 (Oб И Ильфe иE eтpoвe, иx жизни и юмope) - M Яpoшeвcкии MЛC Bыгoтcкий кaк иccлeдoвaтeль пpoблeм пcиxoлoгии иcкyccтвa // Л C Bыгoтcкий cиxoлoгия иcкyccтвa - M, 1987 Яpoшeвcкии M Уxтoмcкий A A и пpoблeмa мoтивaции пoвeдeния // Учeниe AA Уxтoмcкoгo o дoминaнтe и coвpeмeннaя нeйpoбиoлoгия - M, Anthology of Concrete Poetry - N Y Axelrod M R The Psychoanalytic Notion of Weltsch merz in Mikhail Lermontov and A Hero of Our Times // Literature and Psychology, 1993 Vol 39 (1-2) 112- Bamberg M Culture Words and Understanding // Culture and Psychology Vol 3, №1(2), June Beaugrande R de, Dressier W Introduction to Text Linguistics -L NY Beauty and Brain Biological Aspects of Aesthetics -Bazel Boston, Berlin Bine A L'Anne psychologique -I, Carson R Abnormal Psychology and Modern Life -L Drevdahl J E, Cattell R B Personality and Creativity in Artists and Writers //Journ of Clinical Psychology April 1958 vol XIV, № EcoU The Role of Reader Explorations in the Semiotics of Texts - Bloommgton, Fisher S, Clivtiano S E Body Image and Personality -NY. 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Ю.B Бpжeзcкaя Bepcткa ЮA. Mapтынюк Иллюcтpaции EH Зaгpядcкий oдпиcaнo к пeчaти 15 11 99 г Фopмaт 60 x 88 /i6 Бyмaгa oфceгнaя № 1 apнитypa "Taймe' eчaть oфceтнaя Уcлпeчл. 15,5 Tиpaж 2000 экз Зaк. (тoивoao ^)_ p ^ 071334 oт 22.08. Инфopмaциoннo-peклaмнo-издaтeльcкaя кoмпaния "Tpивoлa" 127018 Mocквa, yл Coвeтcкoй Apмии, 7, к Teл /фaкc 288-59-60 e-mail' trivola@glasnet.ru eйджep 330-94-94, aбoнeнт № 36544, Attp://www.glasnet.ru/~trivola Oшeчaгaнo в poизвoдcтвeннo-издaтeльcкoм кoмбинaтe BИHИTИ 140010 г Любepцы Mocкoвcкoй oбл, Oктябpьcкий пpocп, 403 Teл.554-21- ABSTRACTS OF THE BOOK by Valery P. Belyanin ХMODELS OF THE WORLD IN FICTION The work presents an original typology of literary texts based on their emotional and semantic dominants It solves the problem of verbal structuring of accentuated consciousness in literary text Created in the paradigm of cognitive psy cholingnistics and psychopoetics it mtioduces new psychiatric - approach to text The first chapter of the work describes some non-traditional methods of analysis of literary text, including objective (LVygotsky) and sub[ective psychological psychoanalytic neuropathological ones Scientific works where psychiatric analysis of characters and authors was made are also reviewed Rare and unknown works on neuropathology published in Sverdlovsk in 1924- are cited Results of linguistic analysis of the speech of accentuated and mentally ill persons in the frames of psychiatric linguistics are drawn The second chapter is devoted to typological approach to fiction Works of 0 N Ovsyanniko Kulikovsky, F Shiller, R de Gourmond К Yung R Muller Freinfels et al are viewed upon The notion of the dominant (A Ukhtomsky) of a text is intio duced as emotional and semantic dominant that is the basis of the author s concept of the text The third chapter describes psycholinguistic typology of literary texts based on finding out their emotional and semantic dominant of accentuated type Psychiatric typology of personality is borrowed from the works of P Gannushkin and К Leongard Thus light ( svetliyo ) texts being based on paranoia, depict an active fight for justice of an honest and responsible person The key words of such texts are as follows clear',"transparent', duty','destiny' 'fight/enemy, eyes heart' warmth, father' et al Dark (or simple ) ( tyemmye or prostlye ) texts, being based on epileptic consciousness constitute the largest part of literary texts in general Their dominant is manifested in the following frames of texts a simple but aggressive hero is fighting against clever and thus dangerous enemy Physiological level of a man prevails The following semantic groups of the words appear in such texts double' darkness' 'anguish','laughter','size 'falling down water','unpleasant smell body They are evidently based on diffeient deviations of perception and demeanor typical for neurological dis order The receptive aspect of such texts is also viewed upon Sad ( pechai'mye ) texts are singled out as based upon depression as a state of low emotions, physical weakness and timidity of a person The following semantic components are typical for sad texts 'quiet', 'pleasant smell, loss of money', death' stone cold' Psychologically antonymous to the previous ones are merry ( vesellye ) texts that are based upon maniac state of a person who always has high spirits and enormous plans is very talkative and friendly Merry texts have the following semantic components 'together','friends','luck','gangsters', travelling' flight a lot of money erudition, 'physical strength' Such type of texts is implemented in adventure stories and comedies as well Beautiful (or better beauteous krasiviyc ) texts are based on histrionics as a type of demeanor characterized by demonstrativeness capnciousness, artistic and pseudological behavior and of an accentuated person Beautiful texts are full of such symbols as color 'appearance of a person, 'gestures', feelings and emotions', 'humiliations and suf fenngs', 'relatives' comparison with an animal Mixed texts are also represented in the book Introduction to Psychiatric Literaiy Criticism There aie sad and merry (cyclothymia) beautiful and dark, sad and dark, 'complex (schizophrenia) and others On the basis of the elaborated theory of emotional and semantic dominant a hypothesis about the popularity of best seller is introduced The analysis of every typp of text is illustrated with a sufficient amount of examples from Russian and world literature Each type of texts represents a verbalized model of a rather closed life world of accentuated cliaracter, having its own peculi antics in lexical and semantic and stylistic attitude As matter of fact the analysis made puts forward the problem of nidi vidual and typological verbal and cognitive types of languages of literary text as manifestations of cognitive structures of the author as a linguistic personality The fourth chapter is devoted to the receptive aspect of literary text, where psycholinguistic peculiarities of text perception are reviewed and bibliopsychological approach of N Rubakin - his author-text recipient conception is drawn The fifth chapter is devoted to the experimental study of text perception with the use of Projective Literary Test (800 subiects) The work has a practical value Tlius, the results gained could bo used for solving the problem of identification of per sonality by his speech, "Projective Literary Test can be used as a diagnostic instrument A computer based system of content analysis PAT (Х Psychiatric Analysis of Text") is part of the expert system VML (http //ww/logic ru/ shalack) designed for analyzing and attributing texts The results gained can be useful not only for all those who love and study literature and art philologists and literary critics, but psychologists, clinicists psychotherapists and specialists in mental lex icon and natural language processing The information is also available in the following publications (total: more than 130).
Belyanin V P Psiholmgvisitchesklje Aspekty Hudozhestvennogo Texta (Psycholinguistic Aspects of Literary Texts M 1988 123p (in Russian) Belyanin V P Vvedeni)e v Psychiatricheskoje Literaturovedemje ( Introduction to Psychiatric Literary Criticism ) Verlag OttoSagner Munchen 1996, 281 p (in Russian) Belyanin VP The Diversity of Genres and the Diversity of Emotions from Emotion to Word from Word to Text //Emotion, Creativity and Art Ed L Dorfman et al, Perm Russia Vol 2 167-178 (in English) All questions and proposals are welcome, e-mail: Vbelyanm@mtu-net.ru or vbelyamn@usa.net
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