Toronto, Ontario
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║ Московский Институт Приборостроения ║
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║ Кафедра иностранных языков ║
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║ группа ИЭ-5-92.01 ║
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║ Афанасьева М. ║
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║ Москв 1994 г. ║
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Toronto, Ontario, hasа become Canada's best-knownа city. Once
saddledа withа aа reputationа stodginess, it has been reborn and
revitalized and now stands asа one of North America's leadersа at
the arts, entertainment, and business.
Toronto boats a vast multicultural mix, with large groupsа of
Italians, Germans, Portuguese, Ukrainians, Asians, andа West
Indians, each contributing toа the city's mosaic. Theа cosmopoli-
tian blend offers visitorsа fine dining from aа seemingly endless
rangeа ofа theа cultures. Shoppersа canа browseа through funky
boutiquesа onа Queenа Streetа West, admireа the best of designer
fashions in the renovatedа district of Yorkville, orа visit Eaton
Centre, aа four-levelа $25-millionа retailа complex. For people-
watchingа andа plentyа ofа culinaryа delights, there's Kensington
Market, whichа featuresа freshа produce, fish, andа plentyа of
friendlyа conversation. Theа city wasа designedа and, since,
renovated to make the most ofа its settings on the store ofа Lake
Ontario. The bestа view is fromа the CN Tower, a 553-metre spire
that is consideredа the world's tallestа free-standing structure.
Nearbyа is Harbourfron, a lakesideа shopping, dinningа and
entertainment area whose restored warehouse is a centre forа flea
markets, artа studios, andа crafts shops. Much ofа the appeal of
Toronto lies inа its sence ofа history, which datesа back to 1749
when Frenchа fur tradersа from Quebecа established aа ford on the
site. Theа residentsа haveа workedа toа ensureа the survival and
revitalization of such areas as St. Lawrence Market (the place to
be on aа Saturday when theа farmers bring inа their wares) andа a
booming Chinatown, chock-full of restaurants and grocery stores.
Toronto is a cultural bastion, with the ultra-modernа O'Keefe
Centre, whichа isа homeа toа theа Canadian Opera Company and the
National Ballet of Canada; theа Art Gallry of Ontario, withа more
than 15, works -а from Oldа Masters toа contemporary art - in
its permanent collection; andа the Royal Ontario Museumа with its
ast arrayа of artа and artifactsа from culturesа the world over.
business and finance from another important element of theа city,
and Toronto'sа skyline isа dominated byа the high-riseа towers of
financial institutions. Among the most notable is the Royalа Bank
Tower, with its distinctive gold-embedded windowpanels.
CN Tower
Atа 553.33а metersа theа CNа Towerа is considered the world's
tallest free-standingа structure. Construction tookа 40 months,
cost $57 million, employed 1,573 workers, and was completedа in
Juneа 1976. Aа slenderа columnа resemblingа aа giant needle, it
weight 132,080а metric tonsа - theа equivalent ofа roughly 23,214
large elephants.
Visitors canа step insideа one ofа four glass-faced elevators
andа beа whiskedа toа theа Skypodа Observationа levelа in under a
minute. In all, thereа are three observation decks, atа 342,
346, and 447а meters aboveground, the world's highest
public observationа galery. Eachа of аthese offers panoramic
iews of greaterа Toronto, Toroto Islands, and, on aа clearа day,
Niagara Falls and Buffalo, New york. Spectacular views are
alsoа toа beа hadа fromа Top Of Toronto, aа restaurantа atа the
350-metreа levelа that makes a full revolutionа once every 72
minutes, and Sparkles, aа nightclub at theа 346-metreа level.
Those whoа prefer to dine onа the groundа levelа canа enjoy a
snack in the family-styleа restaurant. Theа tower is a stroll
away from the lakefront аand aа walking tour ofа Harbourfront
parks and marinas.
Asа anyа famousа structureа might, the CN Tower has inspired
legions ofа would-be recordа setters. It hasа the longest metal
staircase in the world (2,570 steps), which is made availableа to
the publicа each yearа for aа charity stairа climb. Stuntmanа Dar
Robinson has jumped from the topа of the tower twice - onceа with
a parachuteа for theа filming ofа the movieа HIGHPOINT (1979) and
once using a wire cableа for the TV show "That'sа Incredible." On
theа tower'sа tenthа anniversary, "Spider Man" Goodwin completed
two free-style climbs outside the glass elevator-shaft window.
SkyDome isа the world'sа greatest entertainmentа center. It's
a home to the Toronto Blue Jays and Toronto Argonauts as wellа as
host toа wide varietyа of otherа sporting spectaculars, concerts,
family shows and consumeers shows.
Just how big is Toronto,s SkyDome? Well, you could put
eightа Boeingа 747sа onа the playingа field. Orа allа of Eaton
Centre. Orа a 32-homeа subdivision. Orа theа Roman Colosseum.
Evenа withа the retractable roofа closed, a 31-stoereyа buildings
could fitа inside the structure.
The $500-millionа buildings openedа on Juneа 3, 1989, after
32 monthsа of construction. On that day, inclementа weather
forced the developers to prove that the multi-panelled roof
could be closed in justа 20 minutes. Theа roof runs onа aа series
of steelа track andа bogies, weighs 11, tonsа - the
equivalent, roughly, of 3,734 automobiles - and isа made upа of
steel tresses covered by corrugated steel cladding.
Theа eight-acreа stadiumа offersа sportsа fansа five levels
of seating andа theа world'sа largest video replay screen. More
than 50, people at a timeа can watch a football or aа baseball
game, and there,sа also aа 350-room hotelа built intoа theа north
end ofа facilty, withа 70 roomsа offering aа view ofа the playing
But the building is muchа more than a place toа wach sporting
events underа an openа roof. Thereа are 23а fast-food stands, 48
beverageа outlets, a 430-seatа restaurantа for quick-service
dining, aа 300-foot-long barа overlooking theа field, the largest
McDonald's in North America, theа Hard Rock Cafe, and aа 120-seat
movie theatre where tours of the building begin. The CN Towerа is
a stroll away from the stadium.
Royal Ontario Museum
Toronto's Royal Ontarioа Museum, knows affectionatelyа as the
ROM, isа Canada's Lagestа Public Museum, made evenа grander by a
recentа $55а millionа renovationа and expansion project, covering
the permanentа galleries. Foundedа in 1912а and openedа two years
later, theа ROM todayа attracts moreа than oneа million visitos a
year. Amoung its impressive holdings, which number more thanа six
million objects and speciments, are a Roman galery, housing the
country's mostа extensive collectionа of antiquities;а the famous
Dinosaurа galery, withа a mastadon, stegosaurus, and other
prehistoricа creaturesа "atа home"а inа jungle settings; a world-
classа textileа collection, withа colorfolа walhangings, peiod
costumes, and richly patternedа fabrics on display thoughoutа the
museum;а andа theа renownedа Chineseа colection, with 800 pieces
displayedа inа traditionalа roomа settingsа andа specialа gallery
areas. Ofа particularа noteа areа theа giantа stoneа camelsа and
guardian figures of the Mingа Tomb, the only Chinese tombа in the
Western world. There areа also galleries devoted toа artifacts of
Ontario and Canadiana.
Next door is the McLaughlin Planetarium where the Theatreа of
the Stars usesа 85 slideand videoа projectors to createа planets,
explodingа stars, andа otherа galacticа phenomena. Theа Sigmund
Samuel Building, aа fiew blocks southа of the mainа ROM building,
focusesа onа Canada'sа richа culturalа heritageа with displays of
antiqueа toys, coockingа utensils, oilа paintings, pottery and
sculpture. The George R. Gardiner Museum of Ceramc Art, directly
across fromа the mainа ROM building, is theа only museum specia-
lizing in ceramic in North America.
Niagara Falls
Every year moreа than 12 millionа people flock toа Ontario to
see the breathtacking natural phenomenon knows as Niagaraа Falls.
Many areа honeymooners, althoughа no oneа is quiteа sure how that
tradition got started. They come toа see the combinedа cascading
power of the 54-metre Canadianа Falls - knows as Horseshoeа Falls
- andа the Americanа Falls, whichа soars toа 56 metres. Together,
these thunderingа cataracts rushа over theа brink atа the rate of
39.1 million Imperial gallons of water per minute.
Statistic don'tа do justiceа to theа majesty, theа danger, or
the romance ofа the Falls. Theyа have to beа seen in person, аand
there are a variety of waysа to view the spectacle once yourа get
there:а fourа Maid-of-Mistа boatsа enterа the Horseshoe Basin and
pass directly in front of cataracts; the Niagara
the Greatа Gorge Adventureа provides aа close viewа of the waters
from half a continent plungingа through the gorge at theа river's
narrowestа point;а andа threeа Tableа Rockа Scenicа Tunnels allow
isitorsа toа walkа behindа theа Falls. Toа view the sights from
above, opt forа a 10-minute helicopterа ride, rise toа the top of
the Skylon Tower observation deck via the externalа glass-fronted
elevators, orа visit theа viewing platformа at theа Minolta Tower
and Marine Aquarium.
Ifа theа realа thing isn'tа enough, there'sа always IMAX
Theatre's Niagara:а Miracles, Mythsа and Magic, shown onа a six-
storey screen inа the village ofа Niagara Falls. Whileа you're in
town, youа mightа considerа stoppingа inа atа any of a number of
places designedа to entertain, including theа Ripley's Belive It
Or Not Museum, theа Elvis Presley Museum, Louisа Tusaud's Museum,
or the Daredevils Exhibit.