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Financial Law
Report УThe Tax LawФ
Student: Julia Efimova
Academy supervisors: Ekaterina Vladimirovna Bagreeva
Per Oyvind Berg-Knutsen
Moscow 2006
Contents TOC \o "1-2"
Introduction. 3
1) Taxes and the Tax Law.. 4
1) Taxes and the Tax Law.. 4
2) Taxpayers. 7
3) Tax authorities. 9
4) Tax offences. 10
4.1) Court Proceeding in a tax offence case. 11
Conclusion. 12
Bibliography: 13
Court Proceeding in a tax offence case
If upon a tax audit the tax body took a decision on holding the taxpayer liable for committing the tax offence (in the form of a ruling to hold the taxpayer liable), then:
Before filing a claim to the court the tax body must offer the taxpayer to pay the amount of tax due and sanctions on a voluntary basis
In case the taxpayer refuses to pay the tax due and sanctions on a voluntary basis, the tax body files a claim to the court on collecting them
A claim on collecting the tax due and sanctions from an organisation or an individual entrepreneur is filed to the arbitration court, or to the court of general jurisdiction if such are to be collected from a natural person.
A claim may be filed within the term of six moths starting from the date when the tax offence was discovered and the act of tax audit was drawn up
Interpretation of unremovable doubts
In accordance with Article 3 of the Tax Code, all unremovable doubts, contradictions and ambiguities of legislative acts relevant to taxes and/or charges shall be interpreted in favour of taxpayers.
In the tax system, proceeding from the Federal device of Russia, the rights and the responsibilities of corresponding levels of management (Federal and territorial) in the tax law are differentiated. Introduction of local taxes and tax collections as an addition to the list of the operating Federal taxes, stipulated by the legislation, has allowed to take into consideration various local needs and kinds of incomes for local budgets. Nevertheless the Tax Law has quite a lot of disadvantages, such as complexity, a plenty of various privileges etc., which do not stimulate economic growth.
- Tax Code of the Russian Federation ссылка более недоступнаproject/mns/en/law/garweb_law/10800200/10800200-001.htm
- Russia Tax Overview ссылка более недоступнаrussian/supl/library/taxlegal/Tax%20Overview.pdf
- Conesco Press. Russian Taxation ссылка более недоступнаeng/
- Budgetary system of the Russian Federation ссылка более недоступнаbudget/Publications/2002/Adoption/Federal/Npd/Budgetlaws/Budget/194fz30122001/194fz30122001_short.htm
- Wikipedia. The free encyclopedia. ссылка более недоступна<
- Финансовое право. учебник для вузов. Л.Г. Вострикова. М. Изд. Юстицинформ 2005г.
[1]Wikipedia. The free encyclopedia. ссылка более недоступнаwiki/Tax
[2]Tax Code of the Russian Federation Article 8 ссылка более недоступнаproject/mns/en/law/garweb_law/10800200/10800200-001.htm
[3]Budgetary system of the Russian Federation ссылка более недоступнаbudget/Publications/2002/Adoption/Federal/Npd/Budgetlaws/Budget/194fz30122001/194fz30122001_short.htm
[4] Conesco Press. Russian Taxation ссылка более недоступнаeng/
[5] Conesco Press. Russian Taxation ссылка более недоступнаeng/
[6] Russia Tax Overview ссылка более недоступнаrussian/supl/library/taxlegal/Tax%20Overview.pdf
[7]Tax Code of the Russian Federation ссылка более недоступнаproject/mns/en/law/garweb_law/10800200/10800200-001.htm
[8] Conesco Press. Russian Taxation ссылка более недоступнаeng/