Е. В. Воевода английский язык великобритания: история и культура Great Britain: Culture across History Учебное пособиеКоличество страниц7Дата08.03.2012Размер365.14 Kb.ТипУчебное пособиеСодержаниеАнглийский языкВоевода Е.В.Методическая запискаCross-cultural notesМетодическая запискаThe CeltsFrom S.D. Zaitseva. Early Britain.Travelling NotesModern EnglishFrom S.D. Zaitseva. Early Britain.Watling StreetLatin borrowings in EnglishT 3. The Anglo-Saxon period he InvasionFrom David MacDowell. An Illustrated History of BritainPolitical and economic developmentChristianity in EnglandAnglo-Saxon cultureFormation of the English languageThe origin of day namesHis / her statusWords belonging to the Indo-European Family of languages4. The Danish Invasion of BritainFrom David MacDowell. An Illustrated History of BritainKing Alfred the GreatFrom S.D. Zaitseva, Early BritainCulture and language of the period5. Edward the ConfessorDo you know thatClaimants to the English throneBattle of Hastings2. The NormanThe Domesday BookRoyal powerChurch and StateMagna Carta and the beginning of ParliamentFirst universitiesHistoria Regum BritanniaeArt and architecture in Norman EnglandDo you know thatP 2. Society opulationPeasants’ RevoltAgriculture and industryWool tradeEuropean contactsFrom S.D. Zaitseva. Early Britain.Free townsFrom S.D. Zaitseva, Early BritainC 7. Pre-renaissance in England hurch and religionRebirth of English literatureGeoffrey ChaucerThe Canterbury TalesWilliam CaxtonThe development of literacy and the English languageMusic, theatre and artAssignments (1)2. Get ready to speak on the following topics