Selected stanzas from Eugene Onegin, chapter 2 in translations by Johnston, Falen, Mitchell 1 I. I Johnston 1 Falen One Mitchell The country place where Eugene Деревня, где скучал Евгений, The place
where Eugene loathed The place Eugene found so suffered Была прелестный уголок;
his leisure confining Was a delightful little spot;
Там друг невинных наслаждений was an enchanting country nook: Was quite a lovely country nest, The innocent might there have Благословить бы небо мог. there any friend of harmless offered Господский дом уединенный, pleasure Where one who favoured soft Blessings to heaven for their lot.
Горой от ветров огражденный, would bless the form his fortune reclining The manor house stood in seclusion, Стоял над речкою. Вдали took. Screened by a hill from windТs Пред ним пестрели и цвели The manor house, in deep Would thank his stars to be so intrusion, Луга и нивы золотые, seclusion, blest. Above a stream. Afar there stretched Мелькали сёлы;
здесь и там screened by a hill from storm's Meadows and golden cornfields, Стада бродили по лугам, intrusion, The manor house, in proud patched И сени расширял густые looked on a river: far away seclusion, With dazzling, multi-coloured flowers;
Огромный, запущённый сад, before it was the golden play Villages twinkled, herds would pass, Приют задумчивых Дриад. of light that flowering fields Screened by a hill from wind's Roam here and there through reflected: intrusion, meadowgrass, villages flickered far and near, And, in its thick, entangled bowers and cattle roamed the plain, and Stood by a river. Far away A vast, neglected garden nursed here Dryads, in pensive mood immersed.
a park, enormous and neglected, Green meads and golden cornfields spread out its shadow all around -- lay, the pensive Dryads' hiding-ground.
{63} Lit by the sun as it paraded;
Small hamlets too the eye could see And cattle wand'ring o'er the lea;
While near at hand, all dense and shaded, A vast neglected garden made A nook where pensive dryads played.
Selected stanzas from Eugene Onegin, chapter 2 in translations by Johnston, Falen, Mitchell XIV.
XIV 14 Fourteen Но дружбы нет и той меж нами. But still, this idle friendshipТs better Все предрассудки истребя, But friendship, as between our But even friendships like our heroes Than our assault on prejudice:
Мы почитаем всех нулями, heroes, ' Exist no more;
for we've outgrown We call, as if it doesnТt matter, А единицами - себя. can't really be: for we've outgrown All sentiments and deem men zeros All men, save us, nonentities.
Мы все глядим в Наполеоны;
old prejudice;
all men are zeros, Except of course ourselves alone. We all aspire to be Napoleons;
Двуногих тварей миллионы the units are ourselves alone. We all take on Napoleon's features, Two-legged creatures in their millions Для нас орудие одно;
Napoleon's our sole inspiration;
And millions of our fellow creatures Are but a useful tool for us, Нам чувство дико и смешно. the millions of two-legged creation Are nothing more to us than tools... Feeling we find ridiculous.
Сноснее многих был Евгений;
for us are instruments and tools;
Since feelings are for freaks and fools. Onegin showed much more perception Хоть он людей конечно знал feeling is quaint, and fit for fools. Eugene, of course, had keen Than many;
while he knew his mind И вообще их презирал, - More tolerant in his conception perceptions And on the whole despised mankind, Но (правил нет без исключений) than most. Evgeny, though he And on the whole despised mankind, There is no rule without exception:
Иных он очень отличал knew Yet wasn't, like so many, blind;
True worth in some he did detect И вчуже чувство уважал. and scorned his fellows through And since each rule permits And treated feeling with respect.
and through, exceptions, XXIII. yet, as each rule has its exception, He did respect a noble few, people there were he glorified, And, cold himself, gave warmth its Twenty-Three Всегда скромна, всегда послушна, feelings he valued -- from outside. due.
All modesty and all docility, Всегда как утро весела, Always as merry as the morn, Как жизнь поэта простодушна, XXIII As simple as a life of poetry, Как поцелуй любви мила, Full of obedience and demureness, Forever modest, meek in bearing, Глаза как небо голубые;
as gay as morning and as clear, As gay as morning's rosy dress, As charming as loveТs kiss newborn, Улыбка, локоны льняные, poetic in her simple pureness, Like any poetopen, caring, Her eyes as azure as the heaven, Движенья, голос, легкий стан, sweet as a lover's kiss, and dear, As sweet as love's own soft caress;
Her flaxen curls, her smile so even, Всё в Ольге... но любой роман in Olga everything expresses -- Her sky-blue eyes, devoid of guile, Her movements, voice, her slender Возьмите и найдете верно the skyblue eyes, the flaxen Her flaxen curls, her lovely smile, stance,These made up Olga... but Ее портрет: он очень мил, tresses, Her voice, her form, her graceful just chanceOn any novel at your Я прежде сам его любил, smile, voice and movements, little stance, Но надоел он мне безмерно. waist -- Oh, Olga's every trait.... But glance leisure, Позвольте мне, читатель мой, take any novel, clearly traced In any novelyou'll discover Her portraitТs there - itТs very sweet, Заняться старшею сестрой. you're sure to find her portrait in Her portrait there;
it's charming, true;
And even I found it a treat, it: a portrait with a charming touch;
I liked it once no less than you, But now it bores me beyond measure.
once I too liked it very much;
But round it boredom seems to Reader, I shall, if youТll allow, but now it bores me every minute. hover;
And so, dear reader, grant me Turn to the elder sister now.
Reader, the elder sister now pauseTo plead her elder sister's cause.
must be my theme, if you'll allow.
{74} Selected stanzas from Eugene Onegin, chapter 2 in translations by Johnston, Falen, Mitchell XXIV. XXIV Ее сестра звалась Татьяна... Her sister bore the name Tatyana.
Twenty-Four Впервые именем таким Tatyana3 was her name... I own it, And we now press our wilful claim Her elder sister was Tatiana...
Страницы нежные романа self-willed it may be just the To be the first who thus shall honour This is the first time that we grace Мы своевольно освятим. same;
but it's the first time you'll have A tender novel with that name.* И что ж? оно приятно, звучно;
known it, a novel graced with such a Why not? I like its intonation;
Our novel in this wilful manner Но с ним, я знаю, неразлучно name.What of it? it's euphonious, It has, I know, association With such a name, so out of place.(4) Воспоминанье старины pleasant,and yet inseparably present, With olden days beyond recall, What of it? It is pleasant, sonorous;
Иль девичьей! Мы все должны I know it, in the thoughts of all With humble roots and servants' hall;
But well I know that it is onerous Признаться: вкусу очень мало are old times, and the servants' But we must grant, though it offend With memories of olden days У нас и в наших именах hall. We must confess that taste us:
Or housemaid domiciles! A craze (Не говорим уж о стихах);
deserts us even in our names (and Our taste in names is less than weak Нам просвещенье не пристало how much worse when we begin to (Of verses I won't even speak);
We must admit to is the gaudy И нам досталось от него talk of verse);
culture, so far from Enlightenment has failed to mend us, And graceless names weТre apt to Жеманство, -- больше ничего. healing, hurts us;
what it's And all we've learned from its great choose(Our verse deserves still more transported to our shore is mincing store abuse);
Enlightenment is not our forte, manners -- nothing more. Is affectationnothing more.
ItТs simply opened wide a door To affectation - nothingmore.
Twenty XXV XXV. FiveSo she was called Tatiana.
So she was called Tatyana. Truly So she was called Tatyana, reader.
LackingThe beauty of her sister and Итак, она звалась Татьяной. she lacked her sister's beauty, Her rosy freshness, not attracting Ни красотой сестры своей, lacked She lacked that fresh and rosy tone The eye in that secluded land, Ни свежестью ее румяной the rosy bloom that glowed so A wayward, silent, sad young maiden, Не привлекла б она очей. newly That made her sister's beauty sweeter Shy as the doe in forest hidden, Дика, печальна, молчалива, to catch the eye and to attract. and drew all eyes to her alone.
Как лань лесная боязлива, Shy as a savage, silent, tearful, A wild creature, sad and pensive, She seemed inside her family Она в семье своей родной wild as a forest deer, and fearful, Shy as a doe and apprehensive, A stranger, an anomaly.She could not Казалась девочкой чужой. Tatyana had a changeling look Tatyana seemed among her kin snuggle up to fatherOr mother;
and, Она ласкаться не умела in her own home. She never took A stranger who had wandered in.
herself a child,By childrenТs games К отцу, ни к матери своей;
to kissing or caressing father She never learned to show affection, was not beguiledAnd would not skip or Дитя сама, в толпе детей or mother;
and in all the play To hug her parentseither one;
play but ratherWould quietly through Играть и прыгать не хотела of children, though as young as A child herself, for children's fun a window stareAnd all day long not И часто целый день одна they, She lacked the slightest predilection, Сидела молча у окна. she never joined, or skipped, but And oftentimes she'd sit all day move from there.
ratherin silence all day she'd remain In silence at the window bay.
ensconced beside the window- pane.
Selected stanzas from Eugene Onegin, chapter 2 in translations by Johnston, Falen, Mitchell Как он, она была одета {75} Всегда по моде и к лицу;
Но, не спросясь ее совета, About her clothes one couldn't fault Thirty-One Девицу повезли к венцу. XXXI her;
Like him, according to the fashion, И, чтоб ее рассеять горе, She always dressed to look well-bred;
Разумный муж уехал вскоре She was like him and always Like him, she dressed as taste But soon, without the least discussion В свою деревню, где она, sported decreed.
The girl was to the altar led.
Бог знает кем окружена, the latest fashions of the town;
And, to dispel her dreadful grieving, Рвалась и плакала сначала, but, without asking, they But then they led her to the altar Her husband soon was wisely leaving С супругом чуть не развелась;
transported To take her to his country seat Потом хозяйством занялась, her to the altar and the crown. And never asked if she agreed.
Where God knows whom she was to Привыкла и довольна стала. The better to dispel her sorrow meet;
Привычка свыше нам дана: her clever husband on the morrow The clever husband chose correctly At first she raved and sobbed and Замена счастию она. took her to his estate, where she, ranted, at first, with God knows whom to To take his grieving bride directly All but divorced her husband, then see, Took part in household matters, when in tears and violent tossing vented To his estate, where first she cried She grew accustomed and contented.
her grief, and nearly ran away.
God gave us habit to redress Then, plunged in the housekeeper's (With God knows whom on every Our yearnings after happiness.
day, side), she grew accustomed, and contented. Then tossed about and seemed In stead of happiness, say I, demented;
custom's bestowed us from on high. And almost even left her spouse;
But then she took to keeping house And settled down and grew contented.
Thus heaven's gift to us is this:
That habit takes the place of bliss.