Книги по разным темам


  1. Abel, A. B. (1983) Optimal Investment Under Uncertainty// American Economic Review 73, 228-233.
  2. Abel, A. B., A.аK.аDixit, J.аC.аEberly, R.аS.аPindyck (1995) Options, The Value of Capital, and Investment, NBER Working Paper #W5227.
  3. Abel, A. B., J.аC.аEberly (1994) A unified model of investment under uncertainty// American Economic Review 84, 1369-1384.
  4. Abel, A. B., J.аC.аEberly (1996) Optimal Investment with Costly Reversibility// The Review of Economic Studies 63, 581-594.
  5. Abel, A. B., O.аJ.аBlanchard (1986) The Present Value of Profits and Cyclical Movement of Investment// Econometrica 54, 249-273.
  6. Alchian, A. (1969) Corporate Management and Property Rights, in Henry Mainne (ed.) Economic Policy and the Regulation of Corporate Securities, 337-360.
  7. Alesina, A., S.аArdagna, R.аPerotti, F.аSchiantarelli (1999) Fiscal Policy, Profits, and Investment, NBER Working Paper #7207.
  8. Attanasio, O. P., L.аPicci, A.аScorcu (2000) Saving, Growth, and Investment: A Macroeconomic Analysis Using a Panel of Countries// The Review of Economics and Statistics 82, 181-211.
  9. Bajt, A. (1971) Investment Cycles in European Socialist Economies: A Review Article, Journal of Economic Literature.
  10. Baker, M., J.аC.аStein, J.аWurgler (2002) When Does the Market Matter Stock Prices and the Investment of Equity-Dependent Firms, NBER Working Paper #8750.
  11. Baltagi, B. (1995) Econometric Analysis of Panel Data. Toronto: John Wiley & Sons.
  12. Banerjee, A. (1999) Panel Data Unit Roots and Cointegration: an Overview, Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, 61, pp..
  13. Berger, P., E.аOfek (1995) Diversification’s Effect on Firms Value// Journal of Financial Economics 37, 39-65.
  14. Blanchard, O., F.аLopez-de-Silanes, A.аShleifer (1994) What Do Firms Do With the Cash Windfalls// Journal of Financial Economics 36, 337-360.
  15. Blanchard, O., K.аFroot, J.аSachs (1994) The Transition in Eastern Europe. Country Studies. Vol. I, II. University of Chicago Press.
  16. Bosworth, B., S.аCollins (1999) ‘Capital flows to developing economies: Implications for saving and investment’, Brookings Papers on Economic Activity, 1, pp. 143–180.
  17. Buiter, W., R.аLago, H.аRey (1997) ‘A portfolio approach to a cross-sectoral and cross-national investment strategy in transition economies’, NBER Working paper, 5882.
  18. Caballero, R. J., E.аEngel (1999) Explaining Investment Dynamics in U.аS.аManufacturing: A Generalized (S, s) Approach// Economica 67, 783-826.
  19. Caballero, R. J. (1994a) Small sample bias and adjustment costs// Review of Economics and Statistics 76, 52-58.
  20. Caballero, R. J. (1994b) A reconsideration of investment behavior using tax reforms as natural experiments: a comment// Brookings Papers on Economic Activity 1994 (2), 62-68.
  21. Caballero, R. J. (1999) Aggregate Investment, in Handbook of Macroeconomics, (edited by J.аTaylor and M.аWoodford), Amsterdam: North-Holland.
  22. Caballero, R. J., E.аEngel (1998) Nonlinear Aggregate Investment Dynamics: Theory and Evidence, NBER Working Paper #6420.
  23. Clark, J. M. (1917) Business Acceleration and the Law of Demand: A Technical Factor in Economic Cycles// Journal of Political Economy 25, 217-235.
  24. Clark, J. M. (1936) Additional Note on Business Acceleration and the law of Demand, in J.аM.аClark, editor, A Preface to Social Economics, Farrar and Reinhart, New York.
  25. Cooper, R., J.аEjarque (2001) Exhuming Q: Market Powers vs. Capital Market Imperfections, NBER Working Paper #8182.
  26. Cooper, R. W., J.аC.аHaltiwanger (2000) On the Nature of Capital Adjustment Costs, NBER Working Paper #7925.
  27. Cooper, R. W., J.аC.аHaltiwanger, L.аPower (1999) Machine Replacement and the Business Cycle: Lumps and Bumps// American Economic Review 89, 921-946.
  28. Cummins, J. G., K.аA.аHassett, and R.аG.аHubbard (1995) Tax Reforms and Investment: A Cross-Country Comparison, NBER Working Paper #5232.
  29. Dixit, A. K., R.аS.аPindyck (1994) Investment Under Uncertainty. Princeton: Princeton University Press.
  30. Doms, M., and T.аDunne (1994) Capital Adjustment Patterns in Manufacturing Plants, Center for Economic Studies, U.аS.аBureau of the Census.
  31. Dormont, B. (1999) Introduction а l'èconomètrie. Paris: Montchrestien.
  32. Drazen, A., and P.аSakellaris (1999) News about news: information arrival and irreversible investment, NBER Working Paper #T0244.
  33. Eckstein, A.

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  34. Ellman, M. (1979) Socialist Planning. Cambridge University Press.
  35. Ellman, M. (1984) Collectivisation, Convergence and Capitalism: Political Economy in a Divided World. London: Academic Press.
  36. Fazzari, S., R.аG.аHubbard, B.аPetersen (1988) Investment, Financing Decisions, and Tax Policy, NBER Working Paper #R1193.
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  38. Gertler, M., R.аG.аHubbard (1988) Financial Factors in Business Fluctuations, in Financial Market Volatility, 33-71.
  39. Gertner, R., D.аScharfstein, J.аStein (1994) Internal versus External Capital Markets// Quarterly Journal of Economics CIX, 1211-1230.
  40. Gilchrist, S., C.аHimmelberg (1998) Investment: Fundamentals and Finance// NBER Macroeconomic Annual 13, 223-261.
  41. Goldmann, J. (1964) Fluctuation and Trends in the Rate of Economic Growth in Soviet Socialist Countries, Economics of Planning, 4.
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  43. Goodwin, R. M. (1948) Secular and Cyclical Aspects of the Multiplier and the Accelerator, in Essays in Honour of A.аH.аHansen: Income, Employment and Public Policy, W.аW.аNorton, New York, 118-121.
  44. Goodwin, R. M. (1951) Econometrics in Business Cycle Analysis, in A.аJ.аHansen, editor, Business Cycles and National Income, W.аW.аNorton, New York, 417-468.
  45. Grossman, S., O.аHart (1984) The Cost and Benefits of Ownership: A Theory of Vertical and Lateral Integration// Journal of Political Economy, 691-719.
  46. Hall, R. E., D.аW.аJorgenson (1967) Tax Policy and Investment Behavior// American Economic Review 57, 391-414.
  47. Hartman, R. (1972) The Effects of Price and Cost Uncertainty on Investment// Journal of Economic Theory 5, 258-266.
  48. Hayashi, F. (1982) Tobin’s Marginal q and Average Q: A Neoclassical Interpretation// Econometrica 50, 213-224.
  49. Hicks, J. R. (1950) A Contribution to the Theory of the Trade Cycle, Clarendon Press, Oxford.
  50. Hoshi, T., A.аKashyap, D.аScharfstein (1991) Corporate Structure, Liquidity and Investment: Evidence from Japanese Industrial Groups// Quarterly Journal of Economics, 33-60.
  51. Johnston, J., J.аDiNardo (1997) Econometric Methods. McGraw-Hill, Inc.
  52. Jorgenson, D. W.(1963) Capital Theory and Investment Behavior// American Economic Review 53, 247-259.
  53. Kaldor, N. (1951) Hicks on the Trade Cycle// The Economic Journal 61, 833-847.
  54. Kalecki, M. (1939) Essays in the Theory of Economic Fluctuations, London.
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  56. Kaplan, S. N., L.аZingales (2000) Investment-Cash Flow Sensitivities are not Valid Measures of Financing Constraints, NBER Working Paper #7659.
  57. Kashyap, A. K., O.аLamont, J.аStein (1994) Credit Conditions and Cyclical Behavior of Inventories// Quarterly Jourmal of Economics CIX, 565-592.
  58. Kennedy, P. (1999) A Guide to Econometrics. Oxford, UK: Blackwell Publishers Ltd.
  59. Knox, A. D. (1952) The Acceleration Principli and the Theory of Investment: A Survey// Economica 19, 269-297.
  60. Koyck, L. M. (1954) Distributed Lags and Investment Analysis, North-Holland, Amsterdam.
  61. Kuper, G. H., B.аVisser (1993) Investment Theory: A Survey. University of Groningen. Research Memorandum 526.
  62. Lamont, O. (1996) Cash Flow and Investment: Evidence from Internal Capital Markets, NBER Working Paper #5944.
  63. Lamont, O. A., C.аPolk (2000) Does Diversification Destroy Value Evidence from Industry Shocks, NBER Working Paper #7803.
  64. Lang, L., R.аStulz (1994) Tobin’s q, Corporate Diversification, and Firm Performance// Journal of Political Economy 102, 1249-1291.
  65. Lange, O. (1961) Teorija reprodukcji i akumulacji. Warsaw.
  66. Maddala, G., Kim In-Moo (1998) Unit Roots, Cointegration, and Structural Changes. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  67. Maddala, G., S.аWu (1999) A Comparative Study of Unit Root Tests with Panel Data and a New Simple Test, Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, 61, pp..
  68. Mátyás, L., P.аSevestre (ed. by) (1992) The Econometrics of Panel Data: Handbook of Theory and Applications. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publeshers.
  69. McDonald, Robert, D.аR.аSiegel (1986) The Value of Waiting to Invest// Quarterly Journal of Economics 101, 707-728.
  70. Morck, R., A.аSchleifer, R.аVishny (1990) Do Managerial Objectives Drive Bad Acquisitions// Journal of Finance 45, 31-48.
  71. Nickell, S. J. (1978) The Investment Decision of Firms, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
  72. Olivera, J. (1960) Cyclical Growth Under Collectivism, Kyklos, 13.
  73. Palley, T. I. (1996) Saving-Investment Nexus: Why It Matters and How It Works, CEPA Working Paper Series II, Economic Policy Analysis, Working Paper No.1.
  74. Pindyck, R. (1990) Irreversibility, Uncertainty, and Investment, NBER Working Paper #3307.
  75. Pindyck, R. S. (1996) Options, the Value of Capital, and Investment// The Quarterly Journal of Economics 111, 753-778.
  76. Pindyck, R. S.., A.аSolimano (1993) Economic instability and aggregate investment, NBER Macroeconomic Annual.
  77. Rajam, R., H.аServaes, L.аZingales (1998) The Cost of Diversity: The Diversification Discount and Inefficient Investment, NBER Working Paper #6368.
  78. Roland, G. (2000) Transition and Economics: Politics, Markets, and Firms. Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press.
  79. Scharfstein, D., J.аStein (1997) Dark Side of Internal Capital Markets: Divisional Rent-Seeking and Inefficient Investment, NBER Working Paper #5969.
  80. Shin, H., R.аStulz (1997) Are Internal Capital Markets Efficient, mimeo, Ohio State University.
  81. Simonvits, A. (1992) Supportability, Limit Cycles and Chaos in Control Models with Bounds: A Review, Institute of Economics (Hungarian Academy of Scienses) Working Paper.
  82. Soos, K. A. (1976) Causes of Investment Fluctuations in the Hungarian Economy, Eastern European Economics, 14.
  83. Stein, JeremyаC. (1995) Internal Capital Markets and the Competition for Corporate Resources, NBER Working Paper #5101.
  84. Tinbergen, J. (1938) Statistical Evidence of the Acceleration Principle// Econometrica 5.
  85. Tinbergen, J., J.аJ.аPolak (1942) Business Cycles: A Study in Economic Fluctuations, University of Chicago Press, Chicago.
  86. Tobin, J. (1969) A General Equilibrium Approach to Monetary Theory// Journal of Money, Credit, and Banking 1, 15-29.
  87. Tsiang, S. C. (1951) Accelerator Theory of the Firm and the Business Cycle// Quarterly Journal of Economics 65.
  88. White, H. (1980) A Heteroskedasticity-Consistent Covariance matrix Estimator and a Direct test for Heteroskedasticity, Econometrica, 48, pp. 817–838.
  89. Whited, T. M. (1992) Debt, Liquidity Constraints and Corporate Investment: Evidence from Panel Data// Journal of Finance, 1425-1470.
  90. Yeyati, L. (1996) ‘Investment in inflationary economies’, IMF Working paper, 96/105.
  91. Данилов Ю.аА.аИнституциональные ограничения в привлечении инвестиций российскими предприятиями / Инвестиционный климат и перспективы экономического роста в России. М.: ГУ–ВШЭ, 2001.
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  93. Кузнецов А.аВ.аТерриториальное развитие фирм как причина межрегиональных различий в интенсивности внешнеэкономических связей// Инвестиционная привлекательность регионов: причины различий и экономическая политика государства. Под ред. В.аА.аМау, О.аВ.аКузнецовой. Научные труды ИЭПП, №38Р, 2002.
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  98. ЯновскийаК.аЭ. (руководитель исследования), ЖаворонковаС.аВ., КочетковааО.аВ., Мажуг.аЮ., ЧерныйаД.аА., ДежардинаП.-М., ХобсонаП., Савой Д.аПолитико-экономические проблемы российских регионов. М.: ИЭПП, 2001.
  99. ЯсинаЕ.аГ., под ред. Инвестиционный климат и перспективы экономического роста в России.    Книги по разным темам